Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for May 24, 1981
Mark: This just in: millions of Americans continue to exercise their Constitutional right to bear arms. We'll have this week's body count after this message... We have an unusual guest with us this afternoon - eleven-year-old Tommy Meade who, a few months ago, accidentally shot and killed his baby sister with a handgun. Tragedies of this nature are repeated in hundreds of households every year, so Tommy is here today in the hope that others can learn from his experience. Tommy, first of all, how did the shooting take place? Boy: Well, see, I wanted to have spaghetti-o's for lunch, but my sister wanted beef-a-roni, so I went and got Dad's gun to scare her. And it just went off. Mark: Didn't you know that playing with a gun was dangerous? Boy: Sure. I've seen my Dad scare away lots of burglars. It's just I really hate beef-a-roni. I guess we shoulda talked about it more. She was littler and didn't know much. I probably shoulda just whacked her with my catcher's mitt. Mark: So what did you conclude from all this, Tommy? Boy: Guns don't kill kids. Kids kill kids.
Solomon J. Behala Premium Member 3 months ago
And Mark wants to kill you, now, kid.