Non Sequitur by Wiley Miller for February 22, 2017
Lucy: You can just go to the window and see it's not snowing. Danae: I don't need to..I did a search for pictures of alternate angles as proof it's snowing and that the roads are impassable! Lucy: Since when do we have penguins living in Maine? Danae: Shut up and just focus on the snow.
Adiraiju almost 8 years ago
“It’s called a zoo!”
Superfrog almost 8 years ago
Those penguins are climate change refugees.
Superfrog almost 8 years ago
One of our politicians in Oz posted a picture in a tweet to show how bad the country roads were. There was a house with a thatched roof in the picture which turned out to be from Slovakia.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] almost 8 years ago
Unfortunately the mind cannot change outer reality. No matter how we would like to the mountains do not come to Mohammad. But some people are so steeped in magical thinking they start to hypnotize themselves into believing they can.
Randy B Premium Member almost 8 years ago
That’s a very long shot from Antarctica. Maine is under the penguins.
(About 7300 miles through the Earth, at an angle.)
erik.vanthienen almost 8 years ago
Lots of snow in Sweden, I hear …
TossedSaladCartoon almost 8 years ago
So is this supposed to represent the media in general or a specific outlet?
freewaydog almost 8 years ago
“Alternative Angles”, or “Alternative Facts”?
Dr_Zinj almost 8 years ago
“Hello? Is this the school? Yes, Danae is going to be out today. She’s suffering from a severe inability to accept reality.”
Can't Sleep almost 8 years ago
There was a time when people believed that if you lied, you’d go to Hell. Now they know you go to Washington
Radish... almost 8 years ago
Lies are republican truth.
nosirrom almost 8 years ago
I heard that the “West Wing Ministry of Alternative Facts” has hired a full time dermatologist because make up can’t cover what’s staining their complexion.
magicwalnut almost 8 years ago
dl11898 almost 8 years ago
ah … the beauty of living in your own little world, never having to face reality.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] almost 8 years ago
Except they will face reality. And they don’t like like it!
denis1112 almost 8 years ago
Danae has a bright future at MSNBC or CNN.
Tempest almost 8 years ago
Or the biggest liar.. excuse me alternate fact source.. Fox Entertainment (their claim not mine), they are certainly not in any way related to a news channel.
Roadrunner Premium Member almost 8 years ago
Alternative facts liberal/“progressive” conflict: is the glass half full or half empty? Same glass and water, different thought processes to reach a conclusion. My view of the elephant shows a trunk whereas yours shows a tail: same elephant different view, different facts to reach a differing conclusion. At first glance we see what we expect or have been taught to expect. In this case, some expect the worse and respond accordingly without investigation into the actual possibilities/probabilities of the reporter of the facts being a conveyor of “alternative facts” or (together chorus) False News. Wakey, wakey!!
Godfreydaniel almost 8 years ago
Are Andy Capp and Hagar the Horrible spiking Danae’s (and Trump’s) chocolate milk?
dflak almost 8 years ago
I used to think the quote, “I reject your reality and substitute my own,” was funny.