No, Golf was a game played by Hobbits, similar to that of modern-day golf. According to Hobbit folklore, it was invented when Bandobras Took charged at Golfimbul during the Battle of Greenfields and knocked Golfimbul’s head off. The head flew through the air for 100 yards and went down a rabbit hole.
William Pursell almost 8 years ago
Aye Gaylord that might be true indeed,BUT Broomie Luv, as I’m sure you’ll admit,if she let’s you live,that Broomie Luv is definitely NOT most people.
Chris Kenworthy almost 8 years ago
No true golfer would be happy about that, Gaylord.
cubswin2016 almost 8 years ago
Looks like Gaylord is about to get a mashee.
Iwa Iniki almost 8 years ago
Golf? What is Golf?
tcayer almost 8 years ago
Oh,no, I think she’s going to take WAY more that one swing!
Saucy1121 Premium Member almost 8 years ago
No, Golf was a game played by Hobbits, similar to that of modern-day golf. According to Hobbit folklore, it was invented when Bandobras Took charged at Golfimbul during the Battle of Greenfields and knocked Golfimbul’s head off. The head flew through the air for 100 yards and went down a rabbit hole.
Sisyphos almost 8 years ago
Fore (four)! Eight! Twelve! Give Gaylord a par-for-the-course (72 whacks?) drubbing, Broomie! He deliberately broke basic etiquette!
awgiedawgie Premium Member almost 8 years ago
Well, Gaylord, might I suggest your lesson here is don’t CAUSE someone with her temperament to sacrifice one stroke, or YOU will BE history.