Working Daze by John Zakour and Scott Roberts for February 27, 2017

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    Darsan54 Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    A piece of broken concrete would be smarter than our present “elected” official.

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    corpcasselbury  almost 8 years ago

    Rita should try becoming a “community organizer”; it’s a lot easier than having a reality show, since she wouldn’t have to actually do anything.

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    katina.cooper  almost 8 years ago

    Well, she’s rich. That’s about the only thing you need to become president.

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    Plods with ...™  almost 8 years ago

    Yep. She’ll be qualified.

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  5. Dr strange
    Wenthral  almost 8 years ago

    Reality shows are a lot more “Realistic” then anything that happens in Washington DC. Everyone, both sides of the isle have not been in touch with “Reality” for a long tme now.

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  6. Abcd3
    redback  almost 8 years ago

    every time I see this guy as more and more similar to the guy in Venezuela. They both do it because of narcissism and both are megalomaniacs; they do not work with a plan but ‘by the seat of their pants’, and not because they wanted to do things right but because they wanted to feel powerful; they surround themselves not with people with good ideas but with whoever kisses their butts, and if somebody contradicts, criticizes, shows proof or whatever they do not like or finds unflattering, they are enemies, must go to jail, they are liars and if they are from the media, they are censored even if unconstitutional.

    Funny thing, the guy from Venezuela has as a slogan the communism, while Trump has as his slogan the ‘mage America great again’, with hard capitalism. Yet they do the exactly same things. Even more, they guy from Venezuela has a TV program that lasts for hours, where he makes propaganda and brainwashing. Recently Trump denied the entrance to some media (the ones that criticized him) and is considering censorship, but before that, he made an appearance that lasted hours about propaganda and why the media is bad

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  7. Kitty
    roberta.forbes.pyle  almost 8 years ago

    Trump followers wear the slogan “Make America great again!!” My husband likes the slogan “Make America Kind Again”. I would like to propose, “Make America SANE Again!”

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  8. Nuclear nemesis
    Nuclear Nemesis  almost 8 years ago

    But, is Rita willing to admit she is 35 years old?

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    Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo]  almost 8 years ago

    That is one of the few limitations. Along with being born here.

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    trixnnort  almost 8 years ago

    35 years of age. natural born citizen. lived in the us the last 14 years. those are the qualifications.

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