May 14, 2024
well, what’s the good news for Curtis?
Does this mean that his cheeks will be permanently swollen so it looks like he has nuts in his mouth?
Oye well on the bright side if Curtis is in MY neighborhood,it means I’m safe! LOL
A squirrel not eating nuts is like Garfield not eating….. anything.
And keep away from nuts… Including yourself, Curtis…
…Or a congressman.
Guess he will have to double down on raiding bird feeders.
Templo S.U.D. almost 8 years ago
well, what’s the good news for Curtis?
Watcher almost 8 years ago
Does this mean that his cheeks will be permanently swollen so it looks like he has nuts in his mouth?
William Pursell almost 8 years ago
Oye well on the bright side if Curtis is in MY neighborhood,it means I’m safe! LOL
A R V reader almost 8 years ago
A squirrel not eating nuts is like Garfield not eating….. anything.
Gent almost 8 years ago
And keep away from nuts… Including yourself, Curtis…
Can't Sleep almost 8 years ago
…Or a congressman.
tarrangar almost 5 years ago
Guess he will have to double down on raiding bird feeders.