Pickles by Brian Crane for March 20, 2017

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  almost 8 years ago

    that darn cat

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    LuvThemPluggers  almost 8 years ago

    Cats WILL get your attention, one way or another!

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  3. Woody with beer
    WoodEye  almost 8 years ago

    My wife once told our cat to bite me, she did so immediately. Cats understand plain English.

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    juicebruce  almost 8 years ago

    All the cat has to do is control rodents by any means possible !

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    wetidlerjr  almost 8 years ago

    Here, kitty, kitty, kitty.

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  6. Large robin
    NaturLvr  almost 8 years ago

    Do NOT let her get her paws on a smart phone!!!

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  7. Pirate63
    Linguist  almost 8 years ago

    Thank God for Caller I.D. !

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    cubswin2016  almost 8 years ago

    I don’t think that I would answer that.

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    alondra  almost 8 years ago

    Hello, this is Muffin your cat speaking. My food dish is not completely full. I used my litter box so clean it out. After that leave me alone for my nap. After I’ve finished sleeping I will require more food, and then, if I’m in the mood, and only if I’m in the mood, I will crawl up onto your lap for another nap.

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  10. Copy of little switzerland 1
    texian  almost 8 years ago

    Years ago we had a cat who did the same thing. The door bell would ring. We would answer the door and no one would be standing there. We would look down and kitty would be standing there. We would open the screen door and kitty would saunter in. This was not a one time occurrence. It happened continuously.

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  11. Wizanim
    ChessPirate  almost 8 years ago


    Well what do you expect? Cats don’t have strong enough knuckles to knock.



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    Number Three  almost 8 years ago

    Great. That’s all they need.


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    K M  almost 8 years ago

    Had a dog who thought it was the cat’s mother. (You had to be there.) Cat would get up on the couch to get away from the dog; dog learned to get on the couch. Cat got up on the back of the couch to get away; dog learned to get on the back of the couch. Dog finally gave up when the cat got on the small chest of drawers beside the porch window. But dog used to scrape on the pebbled aluminum storm door when she wanted to go out. Loud scraping sound. One afternoon I heard a soft scraping sound, apparently from the storm door. Asked my brother, who said the dog was on the couch right beside him. We went to the door; there was the cat looking at us as if to say, “It works for the dog; are you gonna let me out!?”

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    LuvThemPluggers  almost 8 years ago

    Cats are very smart and they want a job. Their favorite is being a nursemaid to a human who is running a temp. They will cuddle right up and be the best hot water bottle you ever had!

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