I take it you already knowOf tough and bough and cough and dough?Others may stumble, but not you,On hiccough, thorough, lough and through?Well done! And now you wish, perhaps,To learn of less familiar traps?Beware of heard, a dreadful wordThat looks like beard and sounds like bird,And dead: it’s said like bed, not bead -For goodness sake don’t call it deed!Watch out for meat and great and threat(They rhyme with suite and straight and debt).A moth is not a moth in mother,Nor both in bother, broth in brother,And here is not a match for thereNor dear and fear for bear and pear,And then there’s dose and rose and lose -Just look them up – and goose and choose,And cork and work and card and ward,And font and front and word and sword,And do and go and thwart and cart -Come, come, I’ve hardly made a start!A dreadful language? Man alive!I’d mastered it when I was five!
Farside99 almost 8 years ago
Actually, the English language involves a whole lot of conquerors and conquerees to explain its growth. That’s also why it can evolve so easily.
PICTO almost 8 years ago
English…the language misspoken by more people than any other…
brain Les almost 8 years ago
to speek gut englush ya gatta hit da bar foist….
TossedSaladCartoon almost 8 years ago
It is tricky, but that still doesn’t excuse not knowing the difference between there, their and they’re!
Brass Orchid Premium Member almost 8 years ago
Lots of special cases.
Olddog1 almost 8 years ago
Tossed: but if you do, you’re a grammar Nazi.Also, the plural of spouse is spice.
GROG Premium Member almost 8 years ago
If you say so.
Plods with ...™ almost 8 years ago
Wait…. what?
matzam Premium Member almost 8 years ago
the language has evolved many idiosyncrasies throughout its development
paullp Premium Member almost 8 years ago
And the plural of half is whole (credit Alan Sherman).
edreajr almost 8 years ago
As the father on the old “Dobie Gillis” show was wont to say:“That makes sense. Not to me, but that makes sense.”
DM2860 almost 8 years ago
So who do you pronounce the sound made by ‘ough’. Well let us add letters.Tough Trough Through Thoroughor Tough Though Thought
I guess I still don’t know.
chromosome Premium Member almost 8 years ago
Do the houses have mouses or do the hice have mice?
Raider Red Premium Member almost 8 years ago
Is it just me, or is Ralph tryin’ to do a bad imitation of Yoda? Did Yoda ever use contractions?
Teto85 Premium Member almost 8 years ago
Ghoti can be pronounced “fish.” Take the “gh” from enough, the “o” from women and the “ti” from carnation. Fish.
MY DOG IS MY CO PILOT almost 8 years ago
I take it you already knowOf tough and bough and cough and dough?Others may stumble, but not you,On hiccough, thorough, lough and through?Well done! And now you wish, perhaps,To learn of less familiar traps?Beware of heard, a dreadful wordThat looks like beard and sounds like bird,And dead: it’s said like bed, not bead -For goodness sake don’t call it deed!Watch out for meat and great and threat(They rhyme with suite and straight and debt).A moth is not a moth in mother,Nor both in bother, broth in brother,And here is not a match for thereNor dear and fear for bear and pear,And then there’s dose and rose and lose -Just look them up – and goose and choose,And cork and work and card and ward,And font and front and word and sword,And do and go and thwart and cart -Come, come, I’ve hardly made a start!A dreadful language? Man alive!I’d mastered it when I was five!