Like draw a dog with no visible forehead.
Like throw perfectly good food away after letting it land on the floor first.
Overall, dogs are less expensive than kids. No clothing, no car insurance, no college tuition. But they can still break your heart.
Yes, yes we do.
Because if we didn’t have babies, who will grow up to be adults, who will look after future generations of dogs? We all have a purpose.
hope you keep the new little guy in the strip
And the best thing, Floki, is that people have adopted you! And Sophie doesn’t even realize the connection and friendship that will last within your new home for a very long time.
Brian Anderson
WoodEye over 7 years ago
Like draw a dog with no visible forehead.
Ida No over 7 years ago
Like throw perfectly good food away after letting it land on the floor first.
Dani Rice over 7 years ago
Overall, dogs are less expensive than kids. No clothing, no car insurance, no college tuition. But they can still break your heart.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 7 years ago
Yes, yes we do.
Diat60 over 7 years ago
Because if we didn’t have babies, who will grow up to be adults, who will look after future generations of dogs? We all have a purpose.
rickmac1937 Premium Member over 7 years ago
hope you keep the new little guy in the strip
JK1 over 7 years ago
And the best thing, Floki, is that people have adopted you! And Sophie doesn’t even realize the connection and friendship that will last within your new home for a very long time.