Cul de Sac by Richard Thompson for April 20, 2017

  1. Missing large
    Phred Premium Member almost 8 years ago

    Actually, controlled sound (volume, frequency and direction) might be a new superhero technique.

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  2. Knotts char 3
    Habogee  almost 8 years ago

    Marvel’s Banshee.

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  3. I go pogo
    I Go Pogo   almost 8 years ago

    Every Superhero needs a sidekick. I vote for Onomatopoeia boy!

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  4. Thinker
    Sisyphos  almost 8 years ago

    Andre Chang: surrogate for most comics authors/artists. How often it is all shredded up, if not literally at least figuratively!

    But I am intrigued by !!!!, the newest superhero, the Human Sound Effect….

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  5. Wizanim
    ChessPirate  almost 8 years ago

    I expect !!!! probably got shushed by his mother a lot…

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