Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for December 23, 1991
Man: Excuse me? Miss? What happened to the club? Honey: It was torched. By its owner... Man: What? Why? Honey: For the insurance. Doesn't it make you sick? The only outpost of civility and culture within 500 miles and it's gone! Gone forever! Man: This is terrible. A great loss. Honey: You know what the greatest loss is, sir? My innocence! That's gone forever, too! Man: It happens. Any unexploded beers around? Honey: It took a grease fire to make me a woman.
KnifeSmile over 7 years ago
Seriously, Honey? After Baby Doc? If I didn’t know better I’d think she really was a hallucination.
learninglair1 about 7 years ago
and how exactly DO you know better?
FrankTAW 8 months ago
Remember she started as a Chinese Communist. Cognitive dissonance doesn’t seem to be a problem for her.