Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for January 16, 2009

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    blackash2004-tree Premium Member about 16 years ago

    Trudeau, according to some, is the worst cartoonist of all time. Okay, according to everyone.

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  2. Warthog
    wndrwrthg  about 16 years ago

    Actually, I find him to be one of the greatest.

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    eschwebel  about 16 years ago

    Bush tried but Jimmy Carter is still the worst.

    The new administration is starting out on the left foot and looks like it will be much worst thanks in part to Nancy and the brilliant picks of Secretaries under indictment and failing to pay taxes. :-)

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  4. Woodstock
    HUMPHRIES  about 16 years ago

 an era of strings and mirrors, plus a crany old VP. How proud we must be.

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    bilson Premium Member about 16 years ago

    Interesting blackash that you have so much time on your hands that you read the “worst cartoonist” probably daily. So relax and start reviewing the used car ads.

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    lbs45  about 16 years ago

    Jimmy Carter may not have been great, but at least he was an honorable man, with a legacy of statesmanship.

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    ChiehHsia  about 16 years ago

    “THE Google”?

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    laughaday  about 16 years ago

    lbs45: Honor? Legacy of statesmanship? Get serious! We’re talking important stuff here, like cheap gasoline.

    (For jack 19 8 9 20: This is an example of satire.)

    People, I think jack lives in Plano, TX, (outside Dallas) in the shadow of the George Bush Turnpike.

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    bubbie7  about 16 years ago

    since garry won a pulitzer prize i guess he’s got to be pretty good- i mean pretty great. he’s so great a republican slanted paper in our area banned him for life. now is that great or what. lol

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    laughaday  about 16 years ago

    plus4, there’s not room to list everything, but let’s start with (1) lying to the people in order to start a war (Iraq) (2) trashing the UN inspectors and taking the US into its 1st pre-emptive war, in violation of international law (3) going into Iraq unprepared (insufficient armor for the troops, insufficient soldiers for the job, insufficient knowledge of the culture, insufficient planning) (4) neglecting serious national security measures (readiness of armed forces, port security, e.g.) (5) incurring the hatred of millions of Arabs and Muslims worldwide, thousands of whom joined militant groups (6) authorizing a policy of torture for the CIA and the military, then lying about it (7) arrogating power in secret to the Executive Branch and sharing policy-making power with Darth Vader (8) deserting New Orleans (9) appointing incompetent losers to the highest levels of government based on party loyalty and ideology rather than qualification (10) pathologically refusing to look hard at his choices or EVER admit a mistake. Any two of these together make him the worst president in my lifetime (65 years) in terms of the rule of law, the state of our economy, and our position among our allies. He was a loser in everything he undertook before becoming governor of Texas. He tried to be president with a cowboy style and a frat boy mentality; and when he couldn’t cut it, he had no idea what to do except bull his incompetent way through without looking back.

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    briguy2  about 16 years ago

    Doonesbury’s off-base here. Bush was the only 2nd worst president in history, after Buchanan.

    If you don’t know who Buchanan was, you can look it up. Or keep listening to Limbaugh, whatever you prefer.

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    Seed_drill  about 16 years ago

    By dragging us into Iraq Bush single handedly ended the American hegemony we’d enjoyed since the collapse of the Soviet Union. That’s pretty damned bad.

    Add to that squandering the surplus and refusing to raise taxes to pay for the wars, leaving us with record deficits during a time the economy was nominally growing. Now that the economy is contracting, and we need to deficit spend, we’re already down so far that it looks like up.

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    PiratePTG  about 16 years ago

    jack75287 said: “As for Trudeau he is good but he favors the left. At least he openly admits it so his opinion is valid.”

    LOL Favors the left??! I’d say he was about 15 degrees above horizontal
 Maybe 30 on an off day

    As to how “great” he is (OMG! He won a Pulitzer! Everybody genuflect in his presence!) there are a lot of authors who have won some award or another who’s works aren’t even worth the lighter fluid it would take to set them on fire. Some self-serving award doesn’t make one author any more special than another. Remember this about the high and mighty Pulitzer Prize: First, Columbia University, who administers the prize, isn’t exactly an unbiased middle of the road kinda place to begin with, and second, according to Wikipedia, “Pulitzer, along with William Hearst, was one of the originators of yellow journalism.”

    Yeah, those are some fine standards to base some prize award on!

    I read Doonesbury because I have always enjoyed the story line. When he gets on his left-centric political benders, I usually give it a cursory glance and move along. The only reason I’m even taking the time to reply to all this armchair drivel is that it is a slow day at work and I’m bored

    Have a great weekend all!


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    ChiehHsia  about 16 years ago

    plus4 says: “
 at least bring out some plain facts & use some original thinking.”

    Unlike Mr. Bush and his administration.

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    swolf48110  about 16 years ago

    I still say Bush/Chenney remind me of Pinky and the Brain
only with the personalities swapped between Pinky and Brain

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    attyush  about 16 years ago


    I sincerely hope that you are able to comprehend things that you have said. Your list of 10 items are different ways of saying 2 things really. Let me see if I can counter a few from your list.

    (1) It was the American People that refused to hold their elected officials, news media outlets, religious leaders, and others accountable. If people were so convinced that Bush is lying, how come it did not trigger mass protests? Why did Congress let this resolution go through? (5) All pundits predicted that the Iraq war would become a 3rd World War. Hmmm
Today’s situation just proves that everyone has to stand for themselves. No one is really going to put their arses on line for you. Moreover, US ties with Asian countries (namely India, Japan, South Korea) have strengthened significantly without any change of relationship with China. (6) I am not for torture, but am not against it as well. Lincoln once made a similar point in defending his suspension of habeas corpus in direct defiance of Chief Justice Roger Taney. “Are all the laws but one to go unexecuted, and the government itself go to pieces, lest that one be violated?” Lincoln asked. Bush understood the answer in wartime had to be no. (7) Bush rebuilt the presidential authority, which was degraded badly during the Vietnam era, Watergate and Clinton administration. He made good decisions on surveillance and the commander-in-chief should not have to apologize for that. (9) Would like some names instead of sweeping statements.

    Everyone makes mistakes, and Bush also has made quite a few during his tenure. Having said that, his achievements also rank pretty high
His presidency was far more successful than not. Time and time again, Bush did what other presidents, even Ronald Reagan, would not have done and for which he was vilified and abused. That–defiantly doing the right thing–is what distinguished his presidency.

    He stood athwart the mounting global warming hysteria. The loving Kyoto treaty (remember Al Gore?) was a disaster and Bush slowed the movement towards a worldwide policy blunder for facts to catch up with the dubious claims of alarmists.

    I understand that liberals don’t like Bush - and you don’t have to like him - but stop talking through your hats.

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    bubbie7  about 16 years ago

    a man wins a pulitzer and you declare it to be nothing,but you defend a piece of cr*p that has screwed up the country to the point my grandchildrens grandchildren will still be paying for his screwups. very good pirate.this jerk has messed up every thing he’s ever touched and jerks like you kept him in office. god help the usa

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    Alabama Al  about 16 years ago

    Quote from “briguy2”:

    “Doonesbury’s off-base here. Bush was the only 2nd worst president in history, after [James] Buchanan.

    “If you don’t know who Buchanan was, you can look it up. Or keep listening to Limbaugh, whatever you prefer.” ——————————— Those of you who in fact voted for George W. Bush, are you actually comforted by this thought?

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    attyush  about 16 years ago

    @bubbie7: Your logic is pretty fallacious
A pullitzer winning man seems to have more credibility than the president of the world’s strongest nation. Hmmm
did you call that group jerk who can’t reason?

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    ChiehHsia  about 16 years ago

    bubbie7 - You must remember that the Pulitzer is only considered prestigious by those with an education and strong cultural affiliations. One suspects Mr. Pirate is not one such, based primarily, and admittedly subjectively, on his use of the abbreviated expression, “OMG!”. He appears to have formed his opinions and solidified them without benefit of polycultural feedback or informative analysis. This typically results in the public exposure of ignorance with as much intrinsic pride as past generations displayed in their wealth or their accomplishments. Therefore, assuming such to be the case, criticism such as yours is, I fear, so much lost effort.

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  21. Shill
    Brainiak  about 16 years ago

    Cultural Affiliations
Another Cliche’ for my log book..Thank You Sir!

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    ChiehHsia  about 16 years ago

    I prefer to think of it as an outdated buzz word
 however, you’re quite welcome.

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    longtimecomicsfan  about 16 years ago

    GBT isn’t being entirely accurate, but he is still very, very spot on.

    A google search on ‘worst president’ brings back 3,000,000 entries, and a quick look at the summaries show that almost ALL of the entries in the first several pages include the name BUSH.

    In the interest of accuracy, however, it should noted that several articles refer to a survey where 61% of historians rated Bush the worst ever, and at least one article written by Karl Rove claims that W isn’t the worst in history.

    And in fairness, the wikipedia article doesn’t actually call Bush the worst. It just points out the the current financial crisis is the worst since the Great Depression.

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    attyush  about 16 years ago


    Truman was rated very low during his term as a president. Hindsight forced a sharp upgrade of his leadership to the extent that now he is considered as one of the best. So don’t be too sure that GWB is the worst because “your google search said so”.

    There are things that you can’t see because of your blinders. The real impact of GWB’s presidency will be judged from the perspective of 2-3 decades from today; not what your google search returns today.

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    RonBerg13 Premium Member about 16 years ago

    People who deal in absolutes usually end up with absolutely terrible problems.

    Lincoln also said, “The constitution is not a suicide pact.”

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    bubbie7  about 16 years ago

    attyush. you better use past tense as to bush leading us as the most powerful country in the world. can you think of any place aside from iraq ( the first time-when we backed off before doing any real damage) where we haven’t got our asses kicked?were going down hill pal. thank god bush is going out. but i still would’nt be too secure yet. he’s still got a few more days to screw up even more

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  27. Triscele
    txmystic  about 16 years ago

    We’re still too close to the Bush administration’s exit to really look at it objectively

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  28. Black190
    Horsehead1  about 16 years ago

    Bush lied-troops died. Cherrypicken Chickenhawks make me puke.

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    blackash2004-tree Premium Member about 16 years ago

    Bilson, I get to decide how I spend my day, not you.

    Trudeau exaggerated by using “everyone” and by parodying that I illustrated how stupid his point was. Maybe some of you aren’t bright enough to see that.

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    RonBerg13 Premium Member about 16 years ago

    Who picks cherries, Horsehead1?

    By the way, for your sake, I hope your icon really isn’t a picture of you.

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