Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for March 14, 2009
Mike: ...And he tweeted during the entire broadcast! Can you please explain the twitter appeal to me? Kim: It's just a simple oversharing tool, Mike. It's like a frisbee - harmless interactive fun! It has its practical uses. But I predict most people will come to realize it's a banal timesuck and move on. Until then, enjoy! Roland: "Upside to going gray: nose hair no longer visible on camera."
pouncingtiger almost 16 years ago
or a pilot during your flight.
pouncingtiger almost 16 years ago
Too much information there, Roland.
momzxxxooo almost 16 years ago
you just don’t get Twitter until you tweet folks
durtclaw almost 16 years ago
Tweet me like a fool, Tweet me mean and cruel…
The big E knew.
risitas almost 16 years ago
Not true, in the HD age…
benbrilling almost 16 years ago
This topic is for the birds. Give us some meat, Trudeau.
ChiehHsia almost 16 years ago
The whole tweet thing reminds me for some reason of Lord Anselm haut Rodric from the Foundation Trilogy. Or don’t you think so?
dawnsfire over 11 years ago
And 4 years later, Twitter is still going strong! sigh
Caretaker24523 over 4 years ago
11 years later and they need to take away the Twitter accounts of Congress….. and the President!
JediSQL Premium Member over 2 years ago
Boy, he got this one wrong!