Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for March 16, 2009
Toggle: Loo...loo...loo... B.D.: Slow down, soldier, I got all afternoon. Toggle: Lieutenant! What...what... B.D.: Yes? Toggle: What...what do you call...a...a heavy metal fan with...tbi? B.D.: Beats me. Toggle: Headbanger! B.D.: So now he's a comedian. Mom: Got all the tools but timing.
cleokaya almost 16 years ago
Give me all the jokes that you’ve got buddy.
prasrinivara almost 16 years ago
A stutterer once went to a Brum pub and ordered a pint. The pubkeep’s response was “th-th-that’ll be s-s-sixty-th-th-three p-p-pence”. The stutterer accused the pubkeep of taking the mickey of him, which the pubkeep denied.
A man with a lisp came by and ordered a pint, and the pubkeep responded “th-that’ll be thixty-twee p-pence”.
The stutterer then stated that the pubkeep had claimed earlier not to be taking mickey of him, receiving in response “I w-wasn’t; I o-only took m-mickey of th-the l-lisper”.
margueritem almost 16 years ago
Dypak: Loved you song yesterday, great job!
Durak Premium Member almost 16 years ago
Margueritem: I love your flowers! Happy Easter!
margueritem almost 16 years ago
Dypak: Thank you, same to you.
MikeBx almost 16 years ago
As a retired military man, I am in awe of Mr. Trudeau’s excellent treatment of my brothers-in-arms.
Nicely done, Sir.