Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for March 19, 2009

  1. Emerald
    margueritem  almost 16 years ago

    I thought that that was dropped already.

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  2. Warthog
    wndrwrthg  almost 16 years ago

    There is suggesting a bad idea, and then there is Walter Reed Hospital under the last administration.

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    cleokaya  almost 16 years ago

    Mom is being a little over protective.

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  4. Dim2
    farren  almost 16 years ago

    I really wonder where the rightwingnuts come up with these things? The proposal wasn’t for the veterans to pay for their own care, it was for the government to pay for the private coverage. I’m rather dependent on VA care myself, and I never heard a thing - not one thing - that implied I’d have to pay for it myself.

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  5. Horsey
    ANandy  almost 16 years ago

    A Warthog comments on the looks of a Terrier.

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    prasrinivara  almost 16 years ago

    GEE1A, “nice guy Dhimmicruds” such as 0bama means they’re nice to the enemies (particularly of Islamist persuasion–hence the “Dhimmi”) and extremely against defenders of the nation.

    And, on the strip, looks a lot like Toggle would be better-off alone (or even in the care of Boopsie, JJ or Alex) than under the care of his mum.

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  7. Horsey
    ANandy  almost 16 years ago

    Just wait! the Great BozO’s nationalized health care is next!

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    misterwhite  almost 16 years ago

    wuztwo wrote: ” must understand that Walter Reed Hosp did not get that way because of just the last admin. ”

    Absolutely correct, wuztwo. During the 1990’s, Newt Gingrich ran things into the ground. Prior to that, Bush the Greater. Prior to that, Ronnie Raygun, before that the degradation carryover from the war in VN.

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    ChiehHsia  almost 16 years ago

    I’d vote for nationalized health care, if it was modeled on the British system. Badmouth it all you want (and I know you will), but it’s better to wait a few weeks for free treatment than to not get it at all because you’ve lost your job and your insurance coverage.

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  10. Jackcropped
    Nemesys  almost 16 years ago

    The Obama proposal was to force private insurers to pay for war-related injuries, which is specifically excluded (as an “act of war”) in most health insurance policies. No, it got shot down, but it was a dumb idea no matter who proposed it. As ammo, it was a self-inflicted wound.

    As much as there is to say about that kind of thinking, I doubt we’ll ever see Garry lampoon it here.

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    DoctorDan  almost 16 years ago

    prasrinivara - what has Obama proposed or done that is “extrememly against defenders of the nation”? Making insurers pay for injuries incurred in war may not be what insurers want, but wouldn’t that benefit the defenders of our nation?

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    Alabama Al  almost 16 years ago

    Roger, the big problem is because of the indoctrination given to almost every American since the first grade, even the poor are contemptuous of the poor. There are a lot of people who are scared witless that someone “undeserving” (i.e.: not of their tribe) will benefit from any public largess. Therefore, these people would much rather no one benefit than to risk some scofflaw “getting away” with something. The debate about public health care is a perfect example. Let’s face it: in the view of many who oppose some project, if it is not a 100% success it is therefore a 100% failure.

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    BlueRaven  almost 16 years ago

    I think it’s despicable how the right wing thinks it supports the troops when it still wants to sing the praises of a guy who never finished his National Guard service and refused to spend money on body armor. And how DARE you insult this President now when anyone using terms as rude as “Dhimmicrat” were called un-American by your own fingers not six months ago? “Alas for you, lawyers and Pharisees” indeed…

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    longtimecomicsfan  almost 16 years ago

    Yeah, Bush was for the soldiers, all right. He proved it by slashing VA benefits, denying disability claims, forcing tour extensions and keepin’ em the kill zone. Only an anti-soldier would want to bring the boys home, right?

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