Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for July 16, 2009

  1. Shlogo
    turoc15  over 15 years ago

    cain’t train your puppy on it,though.

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  2. Lectroid
    johnparadox  over 15 years ago

    Who would put a netbook into a birdcage?

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  3. Missing large
    GrimmaTheNome  over 15 years ago

    You guys will just have to import British newspapers, which are still going strong AFAIK. The Guardian runs Doonesbury I believe.

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  4. Image14
    ChiehHsia  over 15 years ago

    civilized societies eat their fish raw, with wasabe.

    And puppies should be trained to go outside, where their “business” is converted by the SEP field.

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  5. Honk if you hate dallas
    briankblough  over 15 years ago

    Orgelspieler-would those be the same “cicilized societies” that eat their food with sticks? Now THAT’S civilized! <:-)

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  6. Cropit
    l-empress  over 15 years ago

    When my eyesight went and I couldn’t read the tiny comics in the newspapers, I started reading online, where I could enlarge them. The newspapers have no idea how many readers they lost that way.

    The only time comics have been truly free-without-charge was when Mayor LaGuardia read them over the radio on Sunday mornings.

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  7. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member over 15 years ago

    Actually that was an early stage of pirating media content. LaGuardia was a proto-hacker.

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  8. Artrazz 2
    fredbuhl  over 15 years ago

    Maybe Garry should hold out for an airport named after him instead of mere money. Money goes, but infamy can last forever.

    On the other hand, even small animals have standards about what’s not even worth urinating on.

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  9. Bc14b
    D-i-c-e-R  over 15 years ago

    Pricing is about supply & demand. The internet creates a supply of content that is rising exponentially towards infinity. Whereas, the demand is near constant. Pricing is also related to cost to produce and distribute. These costs approach zero on the internet. The way things are going, Garry Trudeau will have to pay us to get us to read his opinions.

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  10. Ukraine
    JP Steve Premium Member over 15 years ago

    Fredbuhl – there’s already one with his name on it in Montreal!

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  11. Gocomicsavatar
    aardvarkseyes  over 15 years ago

    Actually, the statement “Information wants to be free” is being misinterpreted. It doesn’t mean information should come without cost. It just means that information travels without restriction.

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  12. Red knot
    Harlen Premium Member about 1 year ago

    And here I am 14 years later, reading this comic on a paying platform.

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