Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for August 28, 2009
Melissa: Damn... I'm such an idiot. Jeff: Well, great... whole day shot! Melissa: Good thing my head's attached. Melissa has forgotten her safety goggles. Irritated, she heads back to her quarters... just as young Redfern emerges from his meet. They remain unfated.
margueritem over 15 years ago
Steve Bartholomew over 15 years ago
wndrwrthg over 15 years ago
Will they ever have Paris?
llong65 over 15 years ago
but wait for tomorrow….she’ll have to walk back from her quarters.
AlanG over 15 years ago
When are you going to turn your lens on the healthcare “town halls”? Plenty of good material in that, suitable for, maybe, your journalist-turned-blogger.
Pierson ‘69
okeedoekee over 15 years ago
Is calling herself an idiot good for her self esteem?
Talk about a couple of misfits.
Have they met before?
Potrzebie over 15 years ago
What’s next? Sitting close by at the px? On the freedom flight back home?
KenyarJad over 15 years ago
Hold up - didn’t The Company specifically bring Jeff back in to the fold? Wasn’t he supposed to be doing valuable stuff? DON’T THINGS NEED EXPLODING ANYMORE? sigh The CIA really needs to re-think its re-recruiting policies in this strip.
benbrilling over 15 years ago
Folks would be amazed to discover what the world has to show to those who don’t wear shades.
RinaFarina over 15 years ago
I can see myself getting really annoyed if, day after day, I have to read teasers about how they do not connect. Is this what Trudeau wants? To get his readers to say,”All right already! Just let them become aware of each other and get it over with!” ?
MapleSyrup over 15 years ago
Hey Gang – the meta-joke here is about the “gun that didn’t go off”. Don’t you know when you’re being played with?
KenyarJad over 15 years ago
We all realize we are. That’s why we’re annoyed.
nurbz over 15 years ago
hey ben….the future’s so bright….I gotta wear shades!
kat827618 over 15 years ago
Suspense is killing me!
KnifeSmile about 7 years ago
Why are people so annoyed by this? I thought it was a great lampshade/subversion of the whole characters meeting by destiny trope.