Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for September 29, 2009
Zonker: Okay, so conditions aren't what you're used to... the soil's stony, acidic, poorly drained and often frozen solid... I'll throw on a 3-inch blanket of mulch. Bu there's not much I can do about the voles. Boopsie: Z, who are you talking to? Flower: I'm not in Holland anymore, am I? Zonker: Nope. Have a nice nap.
mrsullenbeauty over 15 years ago
Those bulbs are too lippy.
rayannina over 15 years ago
Bury ‘em in dirt – that’ll shut them up for a while.
Steve Bartholomew over 15 years ago
Howcum they don’t speak Dutch?
Robert Raymond Premium Member over 15 years ago
And why are the bulbs from Holland and not the nearby Skagit Valley?. Calculate all that extra carbon.
Allison Nunn Premium Member over 15 years ago
Ummmm Bedrock, the Skagit Valley is in Washington State last I knew, not all that close to New England… Since we live on the Atlantic side and one of our children on the Pacific I know how far away it is!
Potrzebie over 15 years ago
Zonker has a real, useful hidden talent. WOWSERS!
RinaFarina over 15 years ago
@fesalazarsoto, surely “multilingual”?
babka Premium Member over 15 years ago
we are all so not in Holland anymore. tell it!
garryej over 15 years ago
Maybe it’s just mind-to-mind (not much air-transfer underground)?
AKHenderson Premium Member over 15 years ago
Trudeau is funniest when he gets away from politics.
alviebird over 15 years ago
Vole- Imagine a tiny field-mouse. Now stretch the snout and bob the tail. Voila. Eyes are incredibly small. Once caught one in a glue trap in my house. Don’t worry, I’m all about catch-and-release.