Actually, you align the front wheels with the direction of travel to regain traction by allowing them to roll . Unless the wheels are aligned with direction, they will continue to skid.
This does not apply to hooves, feet, paws, or any other non-rolling device.
Enter.Name.Here over 7 years ago
SR over 7 years ago
The Fast and The Furry-ious : Equine Drift!
William Pursell over 7 years ago
Aye sure and there’s no doubt who’s in control with THAT duo? Neither one.
derdave969 over 7 years ago
Only if the horse is rear “wheel” drive.
Alberta Oil over 7 years ago
The.. steering wheel.. is hooked to the wrong part.. What you have here is an early model of self driving vehicles..
David Huie Green LoveJoyAndPeace over 7 years ago
Actually, you align the front wheels with the direction of travel to regain traction by allowing them to roll . Unless the wheels are aligned with direction, they will continue to skid.
This does not apply to hooves, feet, paws, or any other non-rolling device.