Mr Phlegm Pulp Thud. (Thanks to WordSmith anagram services, which offered up 3 possibilities, and this was the final. I did move about the words, since it gave them bass-ackwards, and we’re not Japanese, requiring us to give the family name first, followed by thus and such. Apologies if my understanding of Japanese address is at all wrong.)
Nixon would serve his guest one kind of wine, while keeping his own, better, wine wrapped in a towel. Trump gets two scoops of ice cream, while his guests get one. The more things change……..
Anagram or Die! United we anagram! One anagram from many! Give me anagrams or give me death! We have not yet begun to anagram! Retreat, h*ll; we’re just anagraming in a different direction! Anagrams forever!
Radish... over 7 years ago
Sorry, not enough vowels.
Sherlock Watson over 7 years ago
I thought “drained swamp” was where The Rump’s hair used to live.
Phred Premium Member over 7 years ago
Make sure to shake the bottle first, before unscrewing the cap.
!!ǝlɐ⅁ over 7 years ago
Mr Phlegm Pulp Thud. (Thanks to WordSmith anagram services, which offered up 3 possibilities, and this was the final. I did move about the words, since it gave them bass-ackwards, and we’re not Japanese, requiring us to give the family name first, followed by thus and such. Apologies if my understanding of Japanese address is at all wrong.)
Andrew Sleeth over 7 years ago
Trump must be holding the Peon Poir in reserve.
Honorable Mention In The Banjo Toss Premium Member over 7 years ago
Nixon would serve his guest one kind of wine, while keeping his own, better, wine wrapped in a towel. Trump gets two scoops of ice cream, while his guests get one. The more things change……..
Masterskrain over 7 years ago
Obviously “Totally Insane Fraudulent Con-Artist, Swindler, and Utter Crook” won’t work, even though it’s REALLY accurate!
julie.mason1 Premium Member over 7 years ago
You left out “Flatulent Breathe”.
The Moose Group over 7 years ago
Pedmar Premium Member over 7 years ago
As a native Virginian, I am ashamed that I have to live in the same state as Trump vineyards.
Sisyphos over 7 years ago
Anagram or Die! United we anagram! One anagram from many! Give me anagrams or give me death! We have not yet begun to anagram! Retreat, h*ll; we’re just anagraming in a different direction! Anagrams forever!
USAnagramer, Retired.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 7 years ago
“Bernie, Marx Smooch’r” would have been great if it had anything in common with tuphlem grdlphump.