Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for October 15, 2008
Barack Obama: So after I sink the first shot, this soldier says to me, "Senator, there's more than one letter in 'horse.'" So I say, "You talkin' smack to me, soldier?" And she says, "yes, Senator, I AM talkin' smack to you." So we play two games, and I make eight out of ten three-pointers! Rick: Wow... so the story's true... Obama: Hell, yeah. Got hundreds of witnesses. Is this for page one? Rick: Um... no. It's for my blog. Obama: Gotta run.
Possum Pete over 16 years ago
Huh! Nobody takes blogs seriously. That’s weird.
dilbertandgarfieldfan over 16 years ago
Hahaha. Politicans like attention
Revelator662008 over 16 years ago
That’s the government for you… Mon.- Fri. argue all day Sat.-Sun. goof all day Mon. start all over And nothing ever gets done!!!
Durak Premium Member over 16 years ago
So, what’s he saying here, that he had Obama on the line? I hope so. I’d love a president who says things like, “hell yeah” and can shoot three-pointers. I want the election over so we can all get back to work.
KingRat over 16 years ago
So you would like a president you can play a pickup game with. The last president was the one most people would rather have a beer with and look where that got us…
Bayoubear over 16 years ago
You right, people thought they’d like to have a beer with W, but they didn’t realize he wasn’t gonna actually ‘drink’ with them…might be better if had been, at least there would have been a reason for his goofy facial moments
Durak Premium Member over 16 years ago
Why not King Rat? At least he’s a real person. Not some failure made up to look like a hero. Anyone who parades around lauded every where he goes and is a self proclaimed maverick just plain is neither. I’ll take the ball player over the fake.
UncaAlby over 16 years ago
Revelator662008 says:
And nothing ever gets done!!! Ah, if only that were true. They actually get quite a bit done, it’s just generally the wrong things! Better they should do nothing most of the time!
KnifeSmile about 7 years ago
I notice none of the right wingers who were complaining that Garry never takes on the left have anything to say here. He’s clearly showing Obama as only interested in major attention and not actually as folksy as he was acting in the first three panels. In short, he is criticizing him. This whole series is meant to make fun of Obama. Gently, yes, so far, but only in a relative sense. What he’s said through these strips is that Obama can’t be trusted (the comment on the first strip about the story ‘not being credible’ even though it supposedly came from the man himself, the emphasis on hundreds of witnesses), that he is a glory hound, and isn’t as authentic as he acts. Not exactly softball. But it’s not calling him a Muslim terrorist, so I guess that wasn’t good enough for the right.