Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for January 02, 2009

  1. Shrek front
    attyush  about 16 years ago

    This is a drag. The reruns should be from the best…

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  2. Warthog
    wndrwrthg  about 16 years ago

    They are.

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    lbs45  about 16 years ago

    An inside look at the techniques of Faux News.

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    JonD17  about 16 years ago

    attyush says: This is a drag. The reruns should be from the best… wndrwrthg says: They are.

    I agree, wndrwrthg! Seems tho, that when the message is something that people do not want to hear about, it becomes ….. ah “inconvenient” or not good. This stuff is what Trudeau is really all about.

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  5. Tubbsbottl lll
    gigabyte03  about 16 years ago

    JonD17…. Well spoken!

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    roderickdavis  about 16 years ago

    Thanks, Trudeau, for keeping before the public this aspect of the huge tragedy of what Bush & Co. have done to Iraq and its destabilized populace. What a legacy he leaves.

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    RonBerg13 Premium Member about 16 years ago

    Bloom County or Get Fuzzy would have been better. They’re just as malicious, but more entertaining.

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    longtimecomicsfan  about 16 years ago



    Why is telling the truth malicious?

    Are the accusations untrue?

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  9. Shrek front
    attyush  about 16 years ago

    Who are you kidding folks? If my memory serves me right, the usually cautious Colin Powell had said before war that this was time for a “regime change”. And when he endorsed Obama, the entire world hailed him.

    Senate voted 77-23 in favor of the war, and now everyone has started turning around. But then that’s politicians for you. And to remind you, this resolution had a wider margin compared to 1991 war against Iraq. Incidentally, 29 democrats in the senate voted for the motion and 21 against. Sen. Daschle bleated that it is important for the country “to speak with one voice at this critical moment”.

    And before you guys start jumping up and down, I was never in favor of Iraq war, but I am also quite done against everyone trying to blame one person for it. Prez Bush will not go down in history as one of the most influential people in this country’s history, but he surely is not the only one to blame for this situation.

    Coming to GT, this is a political cartoon and not supposed to be fair. But over time, Trudeau’s “hatred” towards conservatives has become embarrassing. Conservatives are always portrayed as stupid, malevolent, or both. The people of the left might have their foibles, but the people of the right are unrelenting evil.

    So the “it’s because it’s a cartoon” excuse is a little weak – partly because of Trudeau’s own cleverness and early talent. It was never his intention for this to be “just” a political cartoon. He wanted to persuade and to influence. Over the years, the strip has become increasingly bitter and didactic. It is occasionally amusing, but mostly just ignorant these days, drawing inspiration from the same lost world of its glory days. Uncle Duke was as brilliant a character as has ever appeared in the funny papers. Amazing how much Trudeau got wrong in retrospect.

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  10. Durak ukraine
    Durak Premium Member about 16 years ago

    Attyush, I’m sorry my friend, Bush is responsible. He’s the President. He’s the one history is going to blame. He’s done nothing effective to try and stop it, minimize it, or make it go away other than basically ignore it for far too long. He couldnt lead Congress to support him. He couldnt lead us to defend him. He failed to provide guidance to his Administration, they just did what they thought was best under a complete lack of leadership. If Bush were a man and a true leader he’d admit his guilt and acknowledge his mistakes and tell the American people to never again accept such shoddy leadership.

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    tcambeul  about 16 years ago

    Remember that trudeau is a harvard communist.

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  12. Shrek front
    attyush  about 16 years ago

    @Dypak: How many politicians have we seen who have ever come out in the open and said “I made a mistake”.

    Let me count…Can’t get past 0…help me here folks.

    And btw, let me remind you that even our prez elect has kinda sorta backed out of the 16 month timeline. I don’t think there is really an easy solution to the Iraq war. Should we have gone there? Absolutely not. Is Bush alone responsible? He should shoulder a huge part of the blame, but then there were other thinkers and senators who have a responsibility to the american population as well. I firmly believe that it was a collective failure. Fire Bush all you want, but Congress is equally responsible.

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    314159  about 16 years ago

    Better late (29 days) than never.

    Trudeau seems to have missed the mark here.

    Many of the liberals I know also know that its the liberals, (journalists, environmentalists, and other do-gooders) are the ones who can’t calculate - who don’t recognize figures with wrong numbers of zero’s (wrong “order-of-magnitude” for science and engineering types). Trudeau might even be one of these.

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