You don’t have to worry about student loans, only a very little about parental expectations. You’re in a comic strip where you’ll never get any older than you are right now. You won’t be allowed to be a teenager or a grown up. Creamed peas can always be tossed back at the parent who tired to feed them to you, or they always make for an interesting throwing up.
debra4life over 7 years ago
You don’t have to worry about student loans, only a very little about parental expectations. You’re in a comic strip where you’ll never get any older than you are right now. You won’t be allowed to be a teenager or a grown up. Creamed peas can always be tossed back at the parent who tired to feed them to you, or they always make for an interesting throwing up.
Templo S.U.D. over 7 years ago
A zen litter box… it’s something.
Nate England over 7 years ago
Never saw the point in raking sand. Now if that calms you down, you can always go out and rake some leaves.
MeGoNow Premium Member over 7 years ago
And they wonder why the cat’s constipated.
waltermgm over 7 years ago
When he grows up (if?) he can do that in the golf course sand traps to try to calm the golfers who wind up there.
RandomLantern445 over 4 years ago
He really doesn’t like creamed peas as much as Calvin doesn’t like tapioca: