My cousin’s two foster kittens, Lily and Lupin, are doing great. However, Lupin is missing his right rear foot. The shelter said that before he goes out for adoption they will amputate the entire leg, as they said there could be a risk of infection. He’s getting around on it perfectly fine and the fur has grown on it so it’s not just skin. I’m just wondering if it’s necessary to amputate the leg, if maybe he could wear some sort of sock like they have for dogs to wear when it’s icy. Has anyone dealt with anything like this with their own kitties or fosters?
I’m late today because I took my brother to his doctor. He cannot sleep and struggles to breathe. A chest x-ray and c-scan show clear lungs and the two powerful IV antibiotics are working. He struggles to breathe but there is no physical cause other than depression. Luckily there is a prescription for that which I will get filled today. These posts are what’s keeping me sane.
DennisinSeattle over 7 years ago
With a 7.50 limit, I guess you can’t get into too much debt. In a couple years it will grow to 50.00
Last Rose Of Summer Premium Member over 7 years ago
With $7.50 you can get a Margarita, can’t go wrong there!
Kim Metzger Premium Member over 7 years ago
What’s a luxury villain?
Mary over 7 years ago
My cousin’s two foster kittens, Lily and Lupin, are doing great. However, Lupin is missing his right rear foot. The shelter said that before he goes out for adoption they will amputate the entire leg, as they said there could be a risk of infection. He’s getting around on it perfectly fine and the fur has grown on it so it’s not just skin. I’m just wondering if it’s necessary to amputate the leg, if maybe he could wear some sort of sock like they have for dogs to wear when it’s icy. Has anyone dealt with anything like this with their own kitties or fosters?
ladykat Premium Member over 7 years ago
Good morning, Graham Crackers.
bbear over 7 years ago
I’m late today because I took my brother to his doctor. He cannot sleep and struggles to breathe. A chest x-ray and c-scan show clear lungs and the two powerful IV antibiotics are working. He struggles to breathe but there is no physical cause other than depression. Luckily there is a prescription for that which I will get filled today. These posts are what’s keeping me sane.
bbear over 7 years ago
Today’s first video is a couch full of kittens:
bbear over 7 years ago
Today’s second video a kitty shows a doggie who’s the boss:
bbear over 7 years ago
Today’s third video shows what happens when a doggie sneaks up on three cats:
bbear over 7 years ago
Today’s fourth video a saboteur kitty and a tower made of cards:
bbear over 7 years ago
This kitten has a little birdie friend to cuddle with.
bbear over 7 years ago
Kitty has found a friend in the garden to share a book with.
bbear over 7 years ago
I wish I had this excuse for my deteriorating handwriting (but alas, it’s old age and carpal tunnel).
bbear over 7 years ago
A cute kitten post: if you must have something on your shoulder, may we recommend this?
bbear over 7 years ago
Kitty wanted a sandwich, he got this. There seems to have been a miscommunication.
bbear over 7 years ago
Lazy kitty says that he finally caught a mouse. Now leave him alone.
bbear over 7 years ago
Kitty left a wakeup call.
bbear over 7 years ago
A cute kitten post: this picture reminds me of the first I turned on my ceiling fan. and why it’s never been turned on since
bbear over 7 years ago
In case you didn’t know why your cat takes so many naps, it’s for your benefit.
bbear over 7 years ago
A cute kitty post: this orange kitty may be up to something.
bbear over 7 years ago
This kitty proves that cats can be liquid and do math at the same time.
bbear over 7 years ago
Kitty on the end is wondering if the joke is on him.
bbear over 7 years ago
A cute kitten post: you can’t fool this kitten, tuna is obviously not a fish, it comes in a can!
bbear over 7 years ago
Grown kitty begins to wonder how does the tuna gets into the cans.
bbear over 7 years ago
School’s out for the summer. This kitty is beginning to realize that it’s going to be a long summer.
bbear over 7 years ago
I’m off to take care of my brother, I’ll be back tomorrow with more pics and hopefully videos.
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 7 years ago
Is my avatar dancing?
tad1 over 7 years ago
Great pictures today. :)