Oye I don’t know just how long Henry was in the pool, as to how much of that water was actually just water?
Archimedes would have been proud.
YETHSIR ! Kinda like Rosie O’Donnell too, huh ?
The dragon……Nature’s sponge.
A dragon is a convenient way to heat your pool too!
That’s Impossible.
Mastroianni and Hart
William Pursell almost 8 years ago
Oye I don’t know just how long Henry was in the pool, as to how much of that water was actually just water?
tracerbullet almost 8 years ago
Archimedes would have been proud.
Neat '33 almost 8 years ago
YETHSIR ! Kinda like Rosie O’Donnell too, huh ?
Enter.Name.Here almost 8 years ago
The dragon……Nature’s sponge.
IanMontgomery almost 8 years ago
A dragon is a convenient way to heat your pool too!
Phil (full phname Philip Philop) almost 7 years ago
That’s Impossible.