Lincoln Pierce once said that he intends to make Nate lovable, and not too obnoxious. I think that in the past few years, Nate has been crossing that line.
I have two daughters. I told them one of them is the brains of the family, and the other is the heart of the family. They both have different gifts, but I love them both the same.
Well, when Nate is interested in applying himself he does (such as trying to convince his father for a dog). I think what Dad’s trying to say here is Nate can have a certain “drive” to achieve things.
Also IQ numbers change their importance as you grow older. And it depends on the detail of the tests too. And it is no final arbiter of intelligence versus knowledge. The enhanced have shown to have much better memory retention than you average person. Also IQ can go up or down. Easier to go down than up. But it can be done.
Unfortunately Nate can and is now being obnoxious. Time to take another IQ test. And EQ is still very important. Some say more important than IQ.
Boosted (Heavy main in TF2) over 7 years ago
Hey @biggernate91, I want u 2 come back. I don’t want you leaving the comments section just because of spam
Silica Gel over 7 years ago
Oooh I think it might be true. If not, what could Nate’s dad actually mean?
Will over 7 years ago
Lincoln Pierce once said that he intends to make Nate lovable, and not too obnoxious. I think that in the past few years, Nate has been crossing that line.
ojis over 7 years ago
For some reason IQ does not correlate with success..
Jeff0811 over 7 years ago
I have two daughters. I told them one of them is the brains of the family, and the other is the heart of the family. They both have different gifts, but I love them both the same.
Teddy Ortiz over 7 years ago
What if Marty (yes I know Nate’s dads real name) actually says yes? If that happens, I’ll never give Nate a noogie ever again
Willywise52 Premium Member over 7 years ago
And big mouth.
FISH over 7 years ago
Ellen Got the big room but nate got the big brain the big mouth the big conclusionjumpertron2000 and the big fear of cats
Chad Cheetah over 7 years ago
Well, when Nate is interested in applying himself he does (such as trying to convince his father for a dog). I think what Dad’s trying to say here is Nate can have a certain “drive” to achieve things.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] over 7 years ago
Also IQ numbers change their importance as you grow older. And it depends on the detail of the tests too. And it is no final arbiter of intelligence versus knowledge. The enhanced have shown to have much better memory retention than you average person. Also IQ can go up or down. Easier to go down than up. But it can be done.
Unfortunately Nate can and is now being obnoxious. Time to take another IQ test. And EQ is still very important. Some say more important than IQ.
devinmoe26 over 7 years ago
how would Marty know their IQ’s? it’s not like you take an IQ test when you’re a kid
Francis Pope over 7 years ago
At least I have a higher IQ than both of them
Teddy over 7 years ago
I don’t hate you, but I would unplug your life support to charge my phone.
ND Cool Z about 6 years ago
Nate’s bedroom may not be big, but it’s big enough to be super messy!
SonicFan91 almost 6 years ago
Man Man Man Man MAN give it a rest will ya
AzaryaBerehanie1 over 4 years ago
iT’s bIg bRaiN tImE
Banana Joe about 4 years ago
WOAH WOAH WOAH! IF MARTY SAYS YES… I bet you Francis you bring out another book of facts and quiz him.
Fox and Falco (League of Gocomics Commenters) about 3 years ago
Marty’s in a tight spot!
wellthisusernameisnttaken over 2 years ago
What Nate lacks in school prainpower he makes up for in exeding amounts of tng trivia so he is actually very smart
MabelPines1234 over 1 year ago
are those 2 things really that similar?