Laugh now, young Bucket, while you still can. Your time will come soon enough.
Iām on vacation this week, maybe I ought to work out to stay in shape
BWAH ā HA ā HA ā HA ā HA
It looks pitch black in the last two panels. Is he going to work out in the dark?
Greg Cravens
August 05, 2017
September 12, 2017
September 19, 2017
September 30, 2017
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 7 years ago
Laugh now, young Bucket, while you still can. Your time will come soon enough.
Doctor Toon over 7 years ago
Iām on vacation this week, maybe I ought to work out to stay in shape
BWAH ā HA ā HA ā HA ā HA
Number Three over 7 years ago
It looks pitch black in the last two panels. Is he going to work out in the dark?