Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for July 28, 2017

  1. Img 0910
    BE THIS GUY  over 7 years ago

    J.J. will love the new washer & dryer.

    She will use the washer to mix some paint and the dryer to melt wax for her projects.

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    David Huie Green LikeNobody'sEverSeen  over 7 years ago

    Anything can be addictive even if it doesn’t rewire your brain.

    Writing laws you can’t or won’t enforce weakens society., violates the social contract.

    Taking away liberty simply because people shouldn’t do something is bad thinking. We need the liberty to be wrong as long as we don’t hurt others. Many are harmed by alcohol users acting with impaired thinking but endangerment of others should be the charge — which it is as driving under the influence.

    People will kill because of the influence of drugs or the lack of them — or anything else they strongly desire. If they kill themselves, chalk it up to the price of freedom.

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    jeffiekins  over 7 years ago

    The difficulty with tobacco, it seems to me, is that it has been very popular throughout the “civilized world” since the 1500’s, and we’ve only had good scientific evidence of its harmfulness since the 1960’s.

    That’s 500 to 50. Whether you see it as inertia or history is up to you. Either way, we’re likely to get rid of it only very slowly.

    And as long as teenagers make stupid decisions, it’s going to be very slowly.

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  4. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Looks like Mr. Butts, and real life, won.

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    whiteaj  over 7 years ago

    There’s nothing inherently horrible about the plant. This is just more liberal claptrap like saying “guns kill people.”

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