Fang: Face it, Eno. We have a ghost haunting our fridge. Eno: Nonsense. Prove it! Fang: There's a three beers missing. Eno: How do you know it was the ghost and not us who drank them? Fang: The empties were in the recycling bin. Eno: AUGHH!
comicgos over 14 years ago
Eno HAS a recycling bin? AUGHH!
Llewellenbruce over 14 years ago
It’s time to go Green Eno.
Plods with ...™ over 14 years ago
Really? Isn’t there a 5 or 10 cent deposit on those and aren’t the stores required to take them back?
pierreandnicole over 14 years ago
My son and I drove into N. Hampshire/Vermont/Maine and saw signs everywhere: Drive Through Redemption. We thought it was religious fanatics.
GROG Premium Member over 14 years ago
Eno probably doesn even know what it looks like.
ububobu over 14 years ago
Here in southern California we have brown, green and blue (recycle) trash carts for weekly pickup. Furthermore there are privateer recycle stands in nerely every grocery store parking lot. Nya nya to you bitter greenies.
fritzoid Premium Member over 14 years ago
JohnnyDiego, remember that San Diego is full of Republicans.
In SF we’ve got recycling bins (blue), and people use them, and it seems really odd to me to go places where they don’t at least recycle their bottles, cans, and paper/cardboard. On a lot of the streetcorner trash cans, we’ve got separate compartments where people can throw their recyclables. We also have household bins (green) expressly for compostables - food waste and yard trash. Ideally, just about the only thing that actually goes in the “garbage can” (black bin) is non-recyclable plastics. (Of course, using NOTHING that’ll end up in a landfill is nearly impossible, but it’s a goal to keep striving for.)
benbrilling over 14 years ago
@Nabuquduriuzhur: How long ago were you in California? We’ve recycled here for about 4 decades. And most communities have weekly curbside recycle bin pickups.
mrprongs over 14 years ago
A green ghost? Slimer will always be the original green ghost.
Yakety Sax over 14 years ago
“Who Ya Gonna Call?”