Andy Capp by Reg Smythe for July 19, 2017

  1. B986e866 14d0 4607 bdb4 5d76d7b56ddb
    Templo S.U.D.  over 7 years ago

    Andrew Capp is what Alfred Yankovic called the Pennsylvania Dutch: technologically impaired.

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  2. Loneranger100
    William Pursell  over 7 years ago

    AYE number six. And like one in that pack Andy is most closely related to the JOKER.

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    Vizungu  over 7 years ago

    Jack’s enthusiasm to explain the gizmo should have been matched by his adeptness in the fine art of serving Andy a beer, the twit is bored to death…!

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    somebodyshort  over 7 years ago

    Why’s Andy there. He doesn’t have a full pint in-front of him

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    rshive  over 7 years ago

    In a word, yes.

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  6. Andy
    Sandfan  over 7 years ago

    Jackie must be using too much of his product. Talking to Andy about credit cards is daft. Giving him a card would be like giving whisky and car keys to a teenage boy.

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    tad1  over 7 years ago

    I doubt any sane credit card company would give Andy a card. On another note, sometimes I think of using my credit card just for online shopping and pay for stuff in stores with cash.

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    Sherlock5  over 1 year ago

    Andy is only interested in something that would make ordering his pints quicker and easier.

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