A friend used to call repeatedly because their TV remote wouldn’t work. Every time I came around to help with the problem, I simply had to rmove a stack of something or other that was piled in front of the TV’s infrared receiver. Stack of CDs, books, a potted flower, big scented candle, picture frame, bowl of fruit, angel figurines, knitting kit, and so on. Every time I did that, it worked beautifully, and never did it last a week before they called again with the same problem, and the same solution. I tried to tell them over the phone to just do what I did, to clear away whatever new obstacle had been put there since last time, and every time they swore there was nothing there. When I did arrive to have a look, certainly, something new was indeed there, but they claimed it shouldn’t matter because it wasn’t the same kind of object as last time, or any of the previous times. I kept coming because they were nice and it was a handy excuse for a social call, but after a while one does tire. Only so many times can one repeat the explanation as to why infrared remote controls can’t “see through” opaque objects any more than we can, to someone who lacks any understanding as to how or why that should be. The problem got a final solution when they upgraded to a bigger TV which had to hang on the wall, making it impossible to stack anything short of a person or a large piece of furniture in front of the sensor.
M2MM over 7 years ago
I have a remote like that…. won’t work unless I stand up to click it. sigh
Doctor Toon over 7 years ago
Glad I’m not the only one that makes promises to inanimate objects
inshadowz over 7 years ago
A friend used to call repeatedly because their TV remote wouldn’t work. Every time I came around to help with the problem, I simply had to rmove a stack of something or other that was piled in front of the TV’s infrared receiver. Stack of CDs, books, a potted flower, big scented candle, picture frame, bowl of fruit, angel figurines, knitting kit, and so on. Every time I did that, it worked beautifully, and never did it last a week before they called again with the same problem, and the same solution. I tried to tell them over the phone to just do what I did, to clear away whatever new obstacle had been put there since last time, and every time they swore there was nothing there. When I did arrive to have a look, certainly, something new was indeed there, but they claimed it shouldn’t matter because it wasn’t the same kind of object as last time, or any of the previous times. I kept coming because they were nice and it was a handy excuse for a social call, but after a while one does tire. Only so many times can one repeat the explanation as to why infrared remote controls can’t “see through” opaque objects any more than we can, to someone who lacks any understanding as to how or why that should be. The problem got a final solution when they upgraded to a bigger TV which had to hang on the wall, making it impossible to stack anything short of a person or a large piece of furniture in front of the sensor.
Nighthawks Premium Member over 7 years ago
one last thing to try to get a little more time on those remote batteries is topull them out and switch places with each other
well-i-never over 7 years ago
That “next time I’m up” thing relies on my amazing memory. “Why am I in this room?”
Flatlander, purveyor of fine covfefe over 7 years ago
There is an app for that. I have the remote and Roku in my phone. (Secret, you phone has an IR emitter)
Number Three over 7 years ago
Use the Force.