Jeff Stahler for July 26, 2017

  1. Sammy on gocomics
    Say What Now‽ Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    That’s not a badge I would be able to earn.

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    MartinKilgore  almost 7 years ago

    When I was a scout it was a mark of pride to tie your neckerchief tips with a square knot. That was to show we were on the square..Today’s scouts don’t do that. Too much trouble to learn a knot and keep the law……It shows.

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    DanFlak  almost 7 years ago

    According to the Bible we are to love our neighbors – and then they go on to say that we don’t get to pick our neighbors by telling us some story about a Samaritan guy who was supposedly a member of a despised race.


    The way I look at it, God put both Trump and Hillary on this Earth to test that love. It’s a test I often fail. Just when I think I got it, they do something stupid.

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    Ontman  almost 7 years ago

    Trump thinks God bless America is one of his catch phrases.

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    Theodore E. Lind Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    Trump is a moron. Instead of inspiring the young men, he chose to give a rather disconnected and self focused speech. I will bet he was never a scout.

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    Odon Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    45 is always scouting for one of his few favorite things.

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  7. Irish  1
    Zen-of-Zinfandel  almost 7 years ago

    There must be a demerit badge for lewd tweeting.

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  8. Desron14
    Masterskrain  almost 7 years ago

    But he WAS objecting to the fact that their shirts weren’t all brown…

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  9. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 7 years ago

    Trump is a bad example for the country and world.

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  10. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  almost 7 years ago

    he really enjoys getting political during his speeches. Trashing American in front of the Boy Scouts seems to take away from their loyalty to the country. Made to listen to the untrustworthy president did they learn how to be more friendly or courteous from his angry attacks from the podium? Were they kind or cheerful words? It seems like the President embodies the opposite of what makes a good Boy Scout.

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  11. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 7 years ago

    No tolerance for crazy idiot Trump who is turning the White House into a sewer.

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  12. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  almost 7 years ago

    As if any politician would do the idiotic things Trump does. Trump is his own special brand of idiot, and proves it daily.

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  13. Linkingbookchannelwood
    toahero  almost 7 years ago

    The Scout Law:

    A Scout is:

    Trustworthy, -The President has publicly lied dozens, if not hundreds of times since taking office, starting on his first day on the job.

    Loyal, -In the past weeks, Trump has turned on his own Attorney General, insulting him on twitter and publicly attacking Session’s decision to recuse himself.

    Helpful,- The President has refused to aid every other major nation in the world in the Paris agreement to reduce carbon emissions, betraying a public national commitment.

    Friendly, -Trump has repeatedly attacked various individuals and organizations on twitter, frequently calling them names such as “Lyin Ted,” “Crooked Hillary,” “Fraud News,” and many others.

    Courteous, -Trump has shown no sense of presidential dignity, repeatedly using twitter tirades to retaliate for petty insults and chastisements from other politicians and the press.

    Kind, -The President constantly uses profanity and slander in his speeches and tweets, repeatedly telling others to “Go F@%# Themselves” and talking about wanting to “Punch them in the face”

    Obedient,-Trump has ignored all standards regarding ethics and conflict of interest, and has repeatedly attacked Sessions for recusing himself along these standards.

    Cheerful,-Whenever Trump encounters a setback or failure, he immediately responds by blaming others, such as the Democrats, moderate GOP senators, the press, or his predecessor.

    Thrifty, -The President frequently travels to Mara Lago resort on weekends, which costs the nation over two million per trip. These trips are made despite the existence of Camp David, a presidential retreat designed for such trips. Meanwhile, Camp David must still be maintained at government expense.

    Brave,- Trump famously dodged the draft, citing bone spurs in one or both feet. Despite the claim, he has shown himself to be unable to remember which foot had the problems.

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