But this is the first time I can recall this strip lampooning a story that happened a couple of days ago. Hinds usually does a week of strips on a story that’s a month past its freshness date. That’s why I’m shocked at this. I didn’t know he had it in him.
3hourtour Premium Member about 14 years ago
..not so funny..considering…
gofinsc about 14 years ago
AladdinSane about 14 years ago
whatever - Go Giants!
razorback2824 about 14 years ago
But this is the first time I can recall this strip lampooning a story that happened a couple of days ago. Hinds usually does a week of strips on a story that’s a month past its freshness date. That’s why I’m shocked at this. I didn’t know he had it in him.
Itsjustb about 14 years ago
^ Cartoonists write their strips 2 weeks in advance. Millar and Hinds just got unlucky on this one. :(