Zen Pencils by Gavin Aung Than for January 15, 2018

  1. Mug1
    waycyber  about 7 years ago

    Private Room

    You think of your mind as a private room

    Somewhere to go to be alone

    But the doors of your mind are open wide

    And the uninvited just wander in.

    Fleeting Impulses,

    Faster than thought.

    Shoot out your hand to strike or grab.

    Use your voice to shout strange words.

    Or turn your gaze to something lost

    Or a treasure to be found.

    Urges, nagging you to cut, smoke, inject or drink

    To steal, and fight, and wreck, and burn.

    Or maybe to call a wandered friend

    Or repair a broken family bond.

    Whisperers reveal hidden things

    Words of knowledge, wisdom and truthOr lies, doubts, self-loathing and fears

    Encouraging words, flattering words

    Words of hatred and revenge.

    Inspirations: Born fully-formed.

    Whole novels, grand paintings, and sculpture

    Instruments of pain and torture

    Science, maths and medicine

    Crime and warfare and terror.

    Fantasies: intoxicating dramas in your mind

    Old conflicts endlessly replayed

    And new ones forever rehearsed

    Dreams of money, fame, sex, and power

    With emotions as real as life,But as substantial as cotton candy.

    Passions: Strong emotion without cause

    Lust and anger, jealousy and resentment

    Thoughts clouded by smoke from blazing blood.

    They come and they stay,

    And we think they are us

    We are their victims, their puppets

    But, we have a choice.

    The master became victim

    So victim could be master

    And our room can be cleared

    And the door can be guarded

    Then we decide who shares our mind.

    Who guides our hand

    And speaks with our voice.

    And freedom and peace are ours.

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  2. Fdr avatar 6d9910b68a3c 128
    Teto85 Premium Member about 7 years ago

    Nope. Some emotions are better left out.

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  3. Thumbnail scruffy copy
    bscruffy  about 7 years ago

    A quote from Jesus,“Do not give dogs what is sacred, do not throw your pears to pigs,”(Matthew 7:6) is one of the many starting points for disagreeing with Rumi. Our freedom to choose what we invite into our soul is also our obligation to do so, daily.Thanks for posting this Gavin; its nice to have an occasional quote on this site that I can heartily and completely disagree with.

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  4. Anim chromosomes
    chromosome Premium Member about 7 years ago

    I find I can agree with Rumi in that I need to learn to respect each emotion that arises, though this doesn’t mean I would act on them or become involved with them. If I choose to deny or “stuff” them, the emotions will still be there, waiting to pop up unexpectedly.

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  5. Imagesca66di1a
    Thehag  about 7 years ago

    Gotta love Rumi.

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  6. Forbushman
    Cavenee Lonnie Premium Member about 7 years ago


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