Sarah's Scribbles by Sarah Andersen for August 29, 2017
August 26, 2017
August 30, 2017
Alrighty, life review time. Let's see.
Hmm... A lot of lying down.
In fact, it seems ages 1-25 were mostly just spent lying down.
And after that... Yup. Just more lying down.
This is almost impressive.
I had a good life.
I went to college with a guy who was always taking a nap in the dorm lounge.he said, “I heard somewhere (it was 1984, so no internet!) the average person spends one third of their life sleeping. I’m shooting for an even half.”
Brass Orchid Premium Member over 7 years ago
If I had it all to do over again, I would have found a way to spend more time lying down, but only if it didn’t take too much of my time to do so.
katina.cooper over 7 years ago
I think there’s a jealous angel reading that book.
ekw555 over 7 years ago
I went to college with a guy who was always taking a nap in the dorm lounge.he said, “I heard somewhere (it was 1984, so no internet!) the average person spends one third of their life sleeping. I’m shooting for an even half.”
Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 7 years ago
Andrew Sleeth over 7 years ago
Sarah Andersen you little slut, you!
Tehyne over 7 years ago
Hahaha, me in a nutshell, except 1-17 years ;P
SexyFish13 about 4 years ago
There should be a heaven for lazy people