Peanuts by Charles Schulz for October 13, 2017

  1. Gmm mythical
    LINK_O_NEAL  about 7 years ago

    Must be, we could learn a lot from sally.

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  2. Godzilla  i of the storm by adiraiju d4r0ysf
    Adiraiju  about 7 years ago

    They’re springing right off the trees this year!

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  3. Wap2p5uq normal
    Lee Cox  about 7 years ago

    Well, she’s not entirely wrong. It IS Spring in the Southern Hemisphere!

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  4. Vote 4 nobody button
    Mr Nobody  about 7 years ago

    I just read that the wildfires in Santa Rosa have destroyed Charles Schulz’s home, the home that the Schulzes built in the ’70s and the home in which he died. His 78-year-old wife, Jean, escaped unharmed, but the home, all the memorabilia (which I assume includes many hand-drawn strips), and everything else in the house is gone.

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  5. 61ggkltmonl. sx355
    lucky444  about 7 years ago

    Typical Sally.

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    Axeɫ handeɫ  about 7 years ago

    You must be kidding.

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    mjb515  about 7 years ago

    CB: “Sally is so articulate for an ignoramus.”

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  8. Sanity clause
    Doug Taylor Premium Member about 7 years ago

    If it’s a falling Leaf then it must be hockey season.

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  9. C6fab48c fd5d 4004 a287 ea96a07e43a3
    Train 1911  about 7 years ago

    It not that easy Sally

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  10. Airbrush 20240305192116
    Number Three  about 7 years ago


    I haven’t been very well. I’ve been full of cold. It started on Sunday night. The worst part was the high temperature. My body felt like a sauna. LOL.

    This is the ancestor poem I saw on Facebook.

    Excuse me, I need to grab a box of tissues…

    It seems so strange that in a few hundred years time, we will be somebody’s ancestors.

    As usual, your comment make me feel so much better. I try not to let it bother me. I like to think of myself as a pretty decent person who gets along with people. But I just can’t tolerate rudeness and arrogance like that guy was.

    I love sleeping in! Getting up early 5 days a week really takes it out of you. Although in my case it’s 4 days a week now. Whoo hoo!

    Thanks for making me feel better and I hope this weekend is absolutely Tip-Top for you.

    God Bless You.


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  11. Missing large
    WDD  about 7 years ago

    There go George Burns and Gracie Allen. Sally is capable of the strangely absurd, illogical logic that was Gracie’s trademark comedy.

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