I used my 3-in-1 printer and scanned all my old photos into digital images and they are stored on an external hard drive. I did the same with all my very old genealogy paperwork, such as my grandparents’ German birth certificates and marriage licenses. I have a second external hard drive for the new digital images I take with my camera.
Liverlips McCracken Premium Member over 7 years ago
Hell, tech & I have that kind of relationship in the present.
llong65 over 7 years ago
I remember back when I had film developed, you could request it be backed up on cd’s.
david_42 over 7 years ago
I have dozens of boxes of slides. Ditto, paper photos. Don’t look at them either.
dtegtmeier51 over 7 years ago
I used my 3-in-1 printer and scanned all my old photos into digital images and they are stored on an external hard drive. I did the same with all my very old genealogy paperwork, such as my grandparents’ German birth certificates and marriage licenses. I have a second external hard drive for the new digital images I take with my camera.