Use to work with a guy who was a few years older than me. One day in the break room he was complaining about his hair starting to turn gray (he was early forties with a full head of hair). I, with what little fringe above my ears I had left said, “Trade you!” He declined.
garcoa over 7 years ago
Is that why I have only 10%of my hair left? I must be skilled.
Jeff0811 over 7 years ago
It depends Garcoa, what color is the hair you have left?
ChessPirate over 7 years ago
I have been known to say “I few of my hairs do turn gray… just before they fall out!”
adrianrune over 7 years ago
Use to work with a guy who was a few years older than me. One day in the break room he was complaining about his hair starting to turn gray (he was early forties with a full head of hair). I, with what little fringe above my ears I had left said, “Trade you!” He declined.