Nate thinks of this as a humiliation because he is constantly proclaiming that dogs are superior to cats yet this time he needed Pickles to save him. Between the last panel and the penultimate panel, Nate must’ve been vacillating as he was in a quandary; he could either not accept Pickles help and still say that dogs are superior or he could accept the help of Francis’s cat and be humiliated should anyone ever see this and bring it up.
How did this all happen in this first place. First of all, the roof is like 20 feet (about) of the ground, so I seriously doubt he did that on accident. Second of all, wouldn’t he have been playing with someone else like Teddy or Francis, so they could’ve gotten help? Third of all, cats cannot do that stuff. Welp, this is what makes comics great
Krystal over 7 years ago
nate don’t know whether to be reviled or humiliated
Krystal over 7 years ago
it is very surprising that a cat is strong enough to lift nate
Willywise52 Premium Member over 7 years ago
Catastrophe averted.
Small Nate over 7 years ago
that is not nates house
drivingfuriously Premium Member over 7 years ago
And he saved the frisbee.
Lhenn over 7 years ago
I never imagined nates house to be so sandy
LINK_O_NEAL over 7 years ago
Knowing Spitsy so well I am surprised that Nate thought it wasn’t going to be a cat. After all, ask Spitsy anything and get a cat for an answer.
hev1 over 7 years ago
Nate thinks of this as a humiliation because he is constantly proclaiming that dogs are superior to cats yet this time he needed Pickles to save him. Between the last panel and the penultimate panel, Nate must’ve been vacillating as he was in a quandary; he could either not accept Pickles help and still say that dogs are superior or he could accept the help of Francis’s cat and be humiliated should anyone ever see this and bring it up.
AmbershineOfTC over 7 years ago
Every realize how Mr. Peirce’s cats always have that hilariously ridiculous smile?
Speedster 101 over 7 years ago
Hey! I’m Speedster 101. So, do I need to do a blood pack or sign a something to be part of this or something
cwesling over 7 years ago
Looks like the cat’s going to run out of rope while Nate is still at the level of the second floor. Adding injury to insult, you might say…
DM9001 almost 7 years ago
First of all, that’s a big house. Second, why did Nate get up there without his Dad’s permission? Third, is that HIS house, or one of the neighbors’?
jliao over 6 years ago
Nate, why don’t you admit that spitsy will always be dumb and pickles will alway be the savior?
ND Cool Z about 6 years ago
Curse you and thank you Pickles!!
MarioFan85 almost 6 years ago
Wah Wah Wahhhhhhhh
Thunderbolt Boss about 4 years ago
I think Nate did this on purpose.
Over-Confident Nate (Comic Reviewer) about 4 years ago
dude where did you find that house?
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaa (i am boba) almost 4 years ago
Nate should be GLAD that dogs don’t normally do that.
Nate Wright! about 3 years ago
How did this all happen in this first place. First of all, the roof is like 20 feet (about) of the ground, so I seriously doubt he did that on accident. Second of all, wouldn’t he have been playing with someone else like Teddy or Francis, so they could’ve gotten help? Third of all, cats cannot do that stuff. Welp, this is what makes comics great
Somnambulant over 2 years ago
original joke(to my knowledge). 9/10.
Bardoon almost 2 years ago
Bro is fr a pvz roof level
t.vadivel 7 months ago
Nate, nobody does that to get a frisbee.
Da Cat Guy 6 months ago
This is a perfect analogue to the current situation with the Boeing Starliner and SpaceX.