Steve Kelley for September 13, 2017

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    wellis1947 Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    The illustration, here, is actually a display of “psychological projection” in which you take a perceived ‘fault’ of your own and ‘project’ it onto an opponent! it is a ploy extensively used by the G.O.P. and,now, by Donnie and the Trumpians! It is a tool which is best applied with subtilty and not like a bludgeon, but Donnie has no concept of subtility – they didn’t teach that on the third-grade playground in which he’s perpetually mired! I will grant Steve the point that, sometimes, the ONLY difference between an “explanation” and an “excuse” is who is listening to it. But for Steve’s “point” to be valid, Secretary Clinton must have a history of blaming others for her ‘problems’ which she most assuredly does not have and Donnie most assuredly does – so Projection!

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  2. Bill
    Mr. Blawt  almost 7 years ago

    If this is a funny on the election and her book, you are only showing 1/2 the toon! You should have shown the first part of the panels where, Sanders knocks Clinton’s hand into a desk and her nail chips. And where Stein cranks up the toaster to 10 while Clinton isn’t looking. You haven’t shown where Comey bumps Clinton and knocks her coffee into her lap or where she was at her Dentist appointment, but some rich New Yorker used Russian influence to take her appointment time.

    I mean, great hit job on Clinton, if you are in to that kind of thing, but it’s been a year, get over it, you won and you are still whining.

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  3. Zombie keith
    streetbeater  almost 7 years ago

    I think the point is that Hillary won’t take responsibility for being a very flawed candidate and her very flawed campaign. It’s a trait she shares with Trump… “It wasn’t my fault.” The dem’s (DWS) did everything they could to give her the nomination that Bernie earned, and she squandered it.

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  4. Albert einstein brain i6
    braindead Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    Hatred Of Hillary is almost as hard to give up as Hatred Of Obama.

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  5. Agent gates
    Radish the wordsmith  almost 7 years ago


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    msgreymare  almost 7 years ago

    Who’s been going on all the talk shows and whining about why they lost? This is a great illustration of what the woman who would be queen is saying HERSELF. And newsflash: you have to win the Electoral College to be president, and she did not.

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    msgreymare  almost 7 years ago

    Who’s been going on all the talk shows and whining about why they lost? This is a great illustration of what the woman who would be queen is saying HERSELF. And newsflash: you have to win the Electoral College to be president, and she did not.

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    Nantucket Premium Member almost 7 years ago

    MIKEFIVE, hard-right media is claiming HRC’s book is already discounted. They are using “proof” like Amazon is selling at $17.99 which is less than list price. Amazon never sells any books at list price.

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    pat gorse  almost 7 years ago

    If the same election were held tomorrow, Hillary would lose it again. And I voted for her.

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    denis1112  almost 7 years ago

    If anyone cares to count the reasons Hillary lists as to why she lost.There are 42.

    Really there is just one. Hillary Clinton.

    The dims thought she could actually win after insulting most of the country. ,Trump won counties 2644 out of 3144 counties in the U.S. She won 500.

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    twclix  almost 7 years ago

    @denis1112…counties don’t vote. Millions more actual voters voted for Clinton over the mentally ill trump. But you knew this. So why should votes of those who live in less populated areas count more than other votes? Those rural voters (many of them truly deplorable) are already way, way, over represented in the Senate—to America’s detriment.

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    growapair  almost 7 years ago

    Ignoring the electoral college vote and whining about Hillary’s “winning” the popular vote is oblique. If two people compete in a game of chess and Should the loser talk about how he or she. Would have won at checkers??

    If the presidency were awarded based on a competition to win the popular vote, it’s reasonable to assume that Trump would have run an entirely different campaign.

    Sorry to have resorted to rational thought and logic, but this discussion sorely needed it.

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    twclix  almost 7 years ago

    Nobody is whining except republicans. However, unless you believe each vote really shouldn’t count equally, there’s a fundamental question of fairness. I know conservatives don’t like to talk about fairness, much less equal treatment under the law. But ethical questions matter, and they should be a topic of vigorous debate. Of course, when you have a con man in the WH who lies with every breath (don’t deny it, you know it’s true), ethics don’t even come into play. It’s so sad the cons are out to trash our aspirational values as Americans.

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    Editor  almost 7 years ago

    I noticed Steve missed the fact that Hillary won the popular vote by over 3 million…and there was Russian interference….wait for it right-wingers the wood chipper of justice is closing in on Fat Donny Two Scoops and his familia. The Don is going down…

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    okiejoe  almost 7 years ago

    Trump may be incompetent in most areas but he’s got PETTY nailed.

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