Marcus needs to work on his deductive reasoning a bit. First off, brains are a whole lot more expensive than candy, so even if he were a biology teacher with access to a supply, he wouldn’t just have extras “lying around” to hand out to random door-knockers, and his wife certainly wouldn’t just “throw them out”.
Technically zombies don’t eat. whatever they are they don’t have a name for. Ghouls eat putrid flesh. So the ones that do eat eat flesh, not brains. Too hard to get in that skull.
Adiraiju about 7 years ago
Now their Zombie teeth will rot a little faster, at least…
dadoctah about 7 years ago
Marcus needs to work on his deductive reasoning a bit. First off, brains are a whole lot more expensive than candy, so even if he were a biology teacher with access to a supply, he wouldn’t just have extras “lying around” to hand out to random door-knockers, and his wife certainly wouldn’t just “throw them out”.
Night-Gaunt49[Bozo is Boffo] about 7 years ago
Technically zombies don’t eat. whatever they are they don’t have a name for. Ghouls eat putrid flesh. So the ones that do eat eat flesh, not brains. Too hard to get in that skull.
Thanksfortheinfo2000 about 7 years ago
“This brain is from Abby-something…”
OnTheContrary about 7 years ago
Brain candy?
Nate England about 7 years ago
This guy’s good!
GRogerStreff about 7 years ago
The best Halloween comic I’ve read this year.
Reaven about 7 years ago
Holy crap it’s a non-main character in the Sundays. Who knew the bio teacher would come back.
opsono about 7 years ago
Those zombie-wannabes just got played
William Bednar Premium Member about 7 years ago
Candy makers should consider putting out a special “brain shaped” candy at this time of year. If they don’t already.
ellisaana Premium Member about 7 years ago
Reeses has eye-ball shaped candy for Halloween. Not brains, but close.
Guess Who about 7 years ago
What we have here is a no-brainer.
Daeder about 7 years ago
I love Professor Ting!
johnec about 7 years ago
As long as the brains are individually packaged in tamper-proof seals and X-rayed for hidden razor blades before consumption!
We can’t allow the kids to eat any home-made brains – it’s just not safe for zombies in this modern day and age!
colBoh about 7 years ago
Well played, Dr. Ting. Well played.
Foxtrot snowday ('Sup Roblox peeps) over 3 years ago
Hello Paige’s Biology teaceher.
yoshadoo (I do stuff you don't care about) over 3 years ago
Why not just settle for brain-flavored candy?
DKHenderson 5 months ago
I have always enjoyed the strips with Dr. Ting.