Doonesbury by Garry Trudeau for November 26, 2017

  1. Img 0910
    BE THIS GUY  over 7 years ago

    Trump tweeted this:

    Noah Syndergaard of the NY Mets —who spent most of the season on the disabled list — dissed Trump by posting this:

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    BE THIS GUY  over 7 years ago

    Our “friend” from Wyoming believes in telling half-truths, which are the most poisonous form of lies.

    He/she points out that African-Americans have had equal access to public accommodations since the South started voting Republican. So I have 2 questions:

    1- What party did the President who signed the Civil Rights Act of 1964 that outlawed restrictions to public accommodations belong to?

    2- Did Barry Goldwater, the Republican nominee for President in 1964, vote for or against the 1964 Civil Rights Act?

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    Rosette  over 7 years ago

    GBT has to put Trump in directly – note the magazine in panel 2.

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    BE THIS GUY  over 7 years ago

    The thing from Wyoming said Goldwater’s opposition to Civil Rights Act was as principled conservative.

    What principles are so important that a black person can’t go to the bathroom, get a meal, or a motel room for the night?

    What principles are so important that there are one set of Constitutional rights for white Americans and another for other Americans?

    What principles are so important that the saying, “I’m free, I’m white, and I’m over 21,” implied that if you were not all of those 3 things you did not have full rights as a citizen?

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  5. Wtp
    superposition  over 7 years ago

    Times change …

    " … Only 43 percent of Americans now identify as white Christians, and only 3-in-10 are white Protestants, the new Public Religion Research Institute study shows. Forty years ago, about 81 percent of Americans identified as white Christians, and 55 percent as white Protestants.

    These radical changes are the results of two concurrent trends: the increasing diversity and decreasing religiosity of the country. But while the nation is changing rapidly, the two major political parties are not changing at the same pace.

    A decade ago, 50 percent of Americans who identified as Democrats said they were white Christians. But now that’s down to just 29 percent. And more than a quarter of Democrats, 26 percent, say they are religiously unaffiliated — up from only 9 percent in 2006.

    Contrast that with the Republican Party: Nearly 3-in-4 Republicans, 73 percent, identify as white Christians — and nearly half of them identify as white evangelical Christians. Overall, 35 percent of Republicans are white evangelicals, roughly the same as in 2006, when the share was 37 percent.

    “The Democratic Party has changed more dramatically than the Republican Party has,” said Robert P. Jones, CEO of the Public Religion Research Institute. “What we see, basically, is one party kind of maintaining its homogeneity, while the other party is following the shifts in the greater population.”


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    wdgnas  over 7 years ago

    voice of north rattlesnake hills, wyoming: they don’t call it whiteoming for nothing…

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  7. Sk67
    animaux2  over 7 years ago

    Not sure why someone supposedly from Wyoming has to ruin the comics, too.

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  8. Tor johnson
    William Bednar Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Just gotta love Roland!

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    Radish...   over 7 years ago

    This country was bitten by a rattlesnake when racist Troll Trump was elected.

    Hedley is a (bleeping) moron.

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    Radish...   over 7 years ago

    What is the population of Wyoming 2017?The state population was estimated at 586,107.

    California added about 335,000 residents in 2016, bringing its population total to 39.5 million.

    I would say the angry little snakes are out gunned.

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  11. Desron14
    Masterskrain  over 7 years ago

    You ever notice that when Trumplings CANNOT defend the latest insanity and proven stupidity coming from the Giant Orange Tweeting Yam, they ALWAYS try to deflect to “Well, the Democrats did so and so…”? They learned if from Donnie Dumpsterfire himself, I guess. Whenever anyone confronts him with a DIRECT QUOTE or VIDEO of his stupidity, he just spouts “FAKE NEWS”, and “MAKE AMERICA GREAT AGAIN”, instead of trying to correct HIS MISTAKE!! A GREAT EXAMPLE of “Deflectors Up Full” is on display right here in the comments. I’ll let YOU figure out which Russian Commentator “From Wyoming” I’m talking about…

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    twclix  over 7 years ago

    The rattlesnake from Wyoming is either delusional, willfully ignorant, or perhaps even Russian. The real issues are in the here and now. Fake history is like fake news, it demeans anyone searching for anything resembling truth.

    I hear there are probably some very nice rattlers in Wyoming. Our mentally ill snake charmer in chief said so.

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    Radish...   over 7 years ago

    Maybe Hedley should look into this kind of story.

    It was in this spirit that Anglin “doxed” Gersh and her husband, Judah, as well as other Jews in Whitefish, by publishing their contact information and other personal details on his website. He plastered their photographs with yellow stars emblazoned with jude and posted a picture of the Gershes’ 12-year-old son superimposed on the gates at Auschwitz. He commanded his readers—his “Stormer Troll Army”—to “hit ’em up.”

    “All of you deserve a bullet through your skull,” one Stormer said in an email.

    “Put your uppity slut wife Tanya back in her cage, you rat-faced -,” another wrote to Judah.

    “You -—,” Andrew Auernheimer, The Daily Stormer’s webmaster, said in a voicemail for Gersh. “This is Trump’s America now.”

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    b2plusa2  over 7 years ago

    Garry Trudeau’s tweets, put into Roland B. Hedley’s name. And so formatted that all we can say about it are arguments about the political topics. In my opinion, the country has become too big to be able to debate topics, and form policies that work for the whole country, therefore putting us at risk of a (metaphor) Roman or Chinese emperor ruling this country by force and authoritarianism.

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    CBP1  over 7 years ago

    amend the consitution by dissolving the anachronistic and flawed electoral college process – one person – one vote. impeach the septic scum that hijacked our country.

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    swanridge  over 7 years ago

    I’ll bet “Voice” didn’t consult the rest of the residents of the hills before she appointed herself their spokesperson. Typical of that breed to consider themselves above the rest.

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    BagHolder5150  over 7 years ago

    Ain’t much to do in North Rattlesnake…Now that the sheep are already knocked up for the winter.

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    rwilhite001  over 7 years ago

    “Voice of” is the new sockpuppet of “Sarge” in a previous incarnation here, minus the grammar lessons. "Sarge"’s posts have been deleted.

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  19. Img 0910
    BE THIS GUY  over 7 years ago

    The it from Wyoming asks, “why hang all of this on Goldwater?”

    The answer is simple. In 1964 LBJ ran as the Democratic nominee as a supporter of Civil Rights and Goldwater ran as an opponent of Civil Rights; the choice was quite clear.

    What States did Goldwater win?Other than his home state of Arizona, all the states he won were in the Deep South: SC, Ga., Al., Ms., and La.

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    Canajin eh  over 7 years ago

    I’m confused. Allegedly, most marcans didn’t vote for Trump, Yet there seems to be so much support for the narrow minded greedy pompous semi illiterate twit. You guys need to stand back and look at this from a distance. See what the rest of the world sees.

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  21. Img 0910
    BE THIS GUY  over 7 years ago

    The Whine from Wyoming said that I take it very personally “when someone criticizes racist Democrat white-supremacists of the likes of Woodrow Wilson,…”

    No, I take it very personally when somebody misrepresents American history. Right now we have one political party that is trying to take away the right to vote from millions of American people, mostly African-Americans. A good example of this is Alabama. First, institute strict ID requirements. Then, close the DMV’s, where one has to go to get the ID, in mostly black areas. Another example is Florida, which passed a law saying early voting cannot take place in Universities or colleges. Why? Because college students, faculty and staff are most likely to vote Democratic.

    The Whine from Wyoming thinks American history ended in 1963. Today, millions of Americans are fighting for their basic rights as citizens and the organization leading the attack on these rights is the Republican Party.

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  22. Img 0910
    BE THIS GUY  over 7 years ago

    The Whatever from Wyoming in one of his replies says that my angry name calling give away my emotional attachment to white supremacists.

    He then calls the Democratic nominee from 2016 the Wicked Witch. That gives away his emotional attachment to the Kremlin puppet currently occupying the Oval Office.

    The Republican Party has welcomed racists with open arms since 1968. Nixon campaign was quite open about the Southern Strategy. This is sad because at one time Nixon was a strong advocate of Civil Rights. He told Eisenhower that he considered Civil Rights a moral issue, not a political one. MLK voted for Eisenhower in 56 because Nixon was on the ticket.

    By 1968 the opportunity to become President was more important than standing by one’s morals.

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    caligula  over 7 years ago

    Registration of new military grade weapons other than destructive devices, SBR’s, and AOW’s for civilian sale has been banned since 1986. No new automatic weapons have been added to the registry since then. Trust a satire writer to get that one wrong.

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