MythTickle by Justin Thompson for November 08, 2017

  1. Missing large
    Khatkhattu Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Better stay off the internet as well.

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  2. Family
    Weakstream   over 7 years ago

    What goes around – comes around.

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  3. Wap2p5uq normal
    Lee Cox  over 7 years ago

    So she’s watching FOX News?

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    Happy, happy, happy!!! Premium Member over 7 years ago

    Only time i see the news is when I’m at a clients house. Thats enough for me.

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  5. Offmymedstoday
    Mostly Water Premium Member over 7 years ago

    If you hate the news, it doesn’t go away just because you ignore it.

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  6. Dr strange
    Wenthral  over 7 years ago

    I gave up about 35 years ago paying attention to more the 10% of any news show/paper. That was about the time I realized that there is very little actual news in the media and a great deal of fear mongering and distortion. Last news paper I read was the one that made a friend of mine sound like a pervert because he had the misfortune of collapsing of carbon monoxide when getting out of the bathtub. “Fake news” is all the rage as the newest catch phrase, but I can’t but help but think that our “News” is so over hyped and over analysed that in all honesty can anyone actually say its not fiction?

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  7. Nick danger small
    Nick Danger  over 7 years ago

    Rene’s wagon has magic letters that change from white to black

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  8. Tf 117
    RAGs  over 7 years ago

    According to Ambrose Bierce, it should be “Cogito cogito, ergo cogito sum.”

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  9. Missing large
    Stephen Gilberg  over 7 years ago

    META TV?

    I thought people avoided the news because it’s mostly unhappy.

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  10. Thinker
    Sisyphos  over 7 years ago

    Don’t waste your time on TV news networks, Karma (and local broadcast news is only marginally better, because most local consumers can see and correct the errors and omissions that concern what’s nearby). Hop in the little red wagon with that French dude.

    Da cart, boss, da cart! Really, René? I think so. So, it must be so….

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    patlaborvi  over 7 years ago

    A few years back our local bus system started a new pass system where company’s downtown could buy yearly bus passes for their employees and they only cost $5 for the year. As I understand it, the idea was to encourage downtown employees to take the bus and free up parking spaces for shoppers. The local paper sent out a reporter to interview employees who would be affected by the new pass and when they got to the bookstore where I worked the manager pointed me out for an interview. I gave the reporter a quote about how it was much cheeper to take the bus every month instead of paying for parking for a month and then added that I was looking forward to how much money I was going to save with the new pass. When the paper with my interview came out I turned to the interview and discovered that the reporter had tried to save space in the article by “simplyfying” my quote to the point that it made no sense at all, and made me look like an idiot. I talked to another bus rider a few days later and found out that he’d read the article and I told him about the original quote I gave the reporter and he said, “Now that makes sense, and it makes a good point about how much money people would save by using the bus. What he put in the article doesn’t make any sense at all.”

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    luvcmx  over 7 years ago

    During the Vietnam war my BIL told me that he believed the war was justified based upon what he read in the newspaper. I asked him if he had ever been involved with anything that was then reported in the paper, and if the report was accurate. That changed his mind about the war.

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