I had a spider that built her web by the door every night. We were wonderfully moth free! I miss her. Now when her early generation built the web across the walkway I encouraged them to build somewhere else. Mostly by the noise I made when walking through their guide lines at dawn.
For some years, Golden Orb spiders spun webs in the side yard of my mother’s house. She would not allow anyone to remove them. She had a park bench kind of thing she would sit in , drink coffee, and watch them. After she died, they all left.
OnTheContrary about 7 years ago
And Humans be like
I don’t need benefitsWillywise52 Premium Member about 7 years ago
If the web stays right there,fine,but it’ll get bigger and I’ll walk into it and my wife will scream,so,no.
CeeJay about 7 years ago
Spiders provide free pest control service. I just won’t kill them.
katina.cooper about 7 years ago
Most humans are so scared of spiders that just saying spider will make most of them have to change their diaper.
julie.mason1 Premium Member about 7 years ago
Had a Fiat Spider some years back. Nice.
car2ner about 6 years ago
I had a spider that built her web by the door every night. We were wonderfully moth free! I miss her. Now when her early generation built the web across the walkway I encouraged them to build somewhere else. Mostly by the noise I made when walking through their guide lines at dawn.
BillJackson1 about 6 years ago
For some years, Golden Orb spiders spun webs in the side yard of my mother’s house. She would not allow anyone to remove them. She had a park bench kind of thing she would sit in , drink coffee, and watch them. After she died, they all left.
junedunne about 6 years ago
I have left the spider web over my kitchen door, they are catching stink bugs… good spiders!
Ninette almost 4 years ago
Diaper: change the a to an s, mix ‘em up…. spider!