And remember- if you only listen to one side of a story, you’re participating in gossip. So thank you for checking it out.
It is my experience that anyone, who opens with “They say” is actually trying to excuse his/her own nastiness.
Because ‘they’ know we associate with you, and ‘they’ fear for our safety.
Common enemy.
Good point!
blunebottle over 7 years ago
And remember- if you only listen to one side of a story, you’re participating in gossip. So thank you for checking it out.
Daniel Jacobson over 7 years ago
It is my experience that anyone, who opens with “They say” is actually trying to excuse his/her own nastiness.
Marvin Premium Member over 7 years ago
Because ‘they’ know we associate with you, and ‘they’ fear for our safety.
CeeJay over 7 years ago
Common enemy.
QuietStorm27 over 7 years ago
Good point!