How can you not think about Santa’s innards when he has a little round belly that shakes when he laughs like a bowl of jelly. I mean his BMI must be through the chimney.
With all the work he has to do in 24 hours, he’ll need all the calories he can get. As Johnny Bravo once said, “How does Santa stay FAT, man???” after he had to stand in for him one Christmas.
nosirrom about 7 years ago
How can you not think about Santa’s innards when he has a little round belly that shakes when he laughs like a bowl of jelly. I mean his BMI must be through the chimney.
electricshadow Premium Member about 7 years ago
In this case, Santa might be more amenable to that kind of snack…
Mark Wieder Premium Member about 7 years ago
Is the almond milk - nuts wordplay inadvertent or intentional?
Stevefk about 7 years ago
How do you get milk out of an almond? That’s just nuts!
Plods with ...™ about 7 years ago
It’s NOT milk. It’s juice. Almonds do not have mammary glands. (I cleaned that last part up.)
mourdac Premium Member about 7 years ago
Santa requested a cold beer at my house but was rebuffed because “he’ driving all night”. Grandkids can be so cute
i_am_the_jam about 7 years ago
With all the work he has to do in 24 hours, he’ll need all the calories he can get. As Johnny Bravo once said, “How does Santa stay FAT, man???” after he had to stand in for him one Christmas.
eb110americana about 7 years ago
“Almond milk?? Are you nuts?”
I get it!
Saucy1121 Premium Member about 7 years ago
Santa always got chocolate chip cookies and a Coke at my house. The reindeer got some carrots, too.
jerry400 about 7 years ago
It’s not his arteries or his kidneys he should worry about, it’s his liver… most countries, he gets a glass of port or brandy