An obedient stallion!
Good for him…
Very interesting!
From a lowercase, personal “pronoun-ciation”,
The secret is out. Talk radio has a screw loose.
If the other screw fell out, would we have silence?
Horace demonstrates North-Korean newsroom?
Straight from the horse’s mouth.
Reminds me of that awful SNL skit about broadcasting news for the hard of hearing…
If the sign had turned sideways, would he have done his report in Morse code?
…“excitable horse”, they all said…
July 31, 2015
Tigressy over 7 years ago
An obedient stallion!
Good for him…
Arianne over 7 years ago
Very interesting!
From a lowercase, personal “pronoun-ciation”,
Cerabooge over 7 years ago
The secret is out. Talk radio has a screw loose.
If the other screw fell out, would we have silence?
BlueFin Premium Member over 7 years ago
Horace demonstrates North-Korean newsroom?
Stephen Gilberg over 7 years ago
Straight from the horse’s mouth.
Argythree over 7 years ago
Reminds me of that awful SNL skit about broadcasting news for the hard of hearing…
Sherlock Watson over 7 years ago
If the sign had turned sideways, would he have done his report in Morse code?
Brass Orchid Premium Member over 7 years ago
…“excitable horse”, they all said…