I don’t know if Batman & Robin are a good example. To whit -Robin 1 (Dick Grayson) – tried to step out of Batman’s shadow as the leader of the Titans (and later as Nightwing) but routinely gets pulled into Batman stories; or, relegated to a knock-off of other established characters.
Robin 2 (Jason Todd) – hated so much by fans they voted for the Joker to bash his head in. He got…better, somehow.
Robin 3 (Tim Drake) – his tenure as Robin was erased out of continuity by Superboy punching time. No…not making that up.
Robin 4 (Stephanie Brown) – fired by Batman.
Robin 5 (Damian Wayne) – his mother…molested…Batman to create him, he was trained to be an assassin by his immortal grandfather. Batman is a step up for this kid…until he died.
StoicLion1973 about 7 years ago
I don’t know if Batman & Robin are a good example. To whit -Robin 1 (Dick Grayson) – tried to step out of Batman’s shadow as the leader of the Titans (and later as Nightwing) but routinely gets pulled into Batman stories; or, relegated to a knock-off of other established characters.
Robin 2 (Jason Todd) – hated so much by fans they voted for the Joker to bash his head in. He got…better, somehow.
Robin 3 (Tim Drake) – his tenure as Robin was erased out of continuity by Superboy punching time. No…not making that up.
Robin 4 (Stephanie Brown) – fired by Batman.
Robin 5 (Damian Wayne) – his mother…molested…Batman to create him, he was trained to be an assassin by his immortal grandfather. Batman is a step up for this kid…until he died.
tad1 about 7 years ago
Holy Heartbreak, Batman!
Chithing Premium Member about 7 years ago
KA-BAT, man.
Dragoncat about 7 years ago
Wow… Two great pieces of wisdom in one panel. That’s pretty deep…