Nancy Classics by Ernie Bushmiller for April 20, 2018

  1. New fsu logo
    Jaw Jacker  almost 7 years ago

    Why is Peewee wearing a dress??

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    JudyHendrickson  almost 7 years ago


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  3. It  s a gas station    by todd sullest
    Max Starman Jones  almost 7 years ago

    I am grateful for this comic today. I never knew until now that Peewee was a boy.

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  4. Ffd2ivobpwyl
    romandogbird  almost 7 years ago


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    InquireWithin  almost 7 years ago

    Ah yes, yet another example of anachronism in a Bushmiller comic. Child labor laws? What child labor laws? Figure PeeWee is no more than 5 or 6.

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  6. Jolie album
    brklnbern  almost 7 years ago

    Pretty clever.

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  7. Sluggo avatar 2 0
    Auntie Clockwise  almost 7 years ago

    In the first panel, the angle of Peewee’s sight line and the angle of the front of his coat could be almost a ninety degree angle — set square territory along with level territory.

    Can’t post pictures here but I did work it out with PShop. It’s not exact but it’s close with about a 89.5 degree angle.

    In panels three and four, the level on Peewee’s head is dead level.

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