Sign reads: BINK'S DEPT. STORE. Sluggo: What happened, Nancy? Nancy: Santa Claus FAINTED. That kid just told him he didn't want anything.
I miss Guy’s Pearl Harbor Day memorial strips.
Santa’s been hitting the schnapps again…
No gifts wanted by the kid on Santa’s lap, he only wants to…:Whip it…whip it good!!!!…..
Well we know for sure this one ain’t topical.
Olivia Jaimes
astutepanther Premium Member over 6 years ago
I miss Guy’s Pearl Harbor Day memorial strips.
Major Matt Mason Premium Member over 6 years ago
Santa’s been hitting the schnapps again…
harkherp over 6 years ago
No gifts wanted by the kid on Santa’s lap, he only wants to…:Whip it…whip it good!!!!…..
brklnbern over 6 years ago
Well we know for sure this one ain’t topical.