I smell a law-suit! That last panel looks exactly like the “Angry Birds” character from the popular game but his one was drawn many decades before the game’s advent.
I once owned a singing canary. Beautiful sound to wake up to.
Later, I adopted a stray black kitten. Though I had named the bird Tweety, I decided not to tempt fate by naming the cat Sylvester. Instead, I took my cue from Audrey Hepburn and simply named it Cat.
The birdcage I had kept sitting on a high living room table that supported an old style console stereo record player. Once Cat was able to leap that high, his long simmering interest in Tweety gave way to thoughts of actually reaching the little bird. I’d be in the room, watching TV or reading, and Cat would pretend not to be interested. He wouldn’t even look in the direction of the cage.
He made his first play one night when I went to the kitchen for a glass of water. As soon as I was literally one step out, Cat had raced across the room from sofa to table and had wrapped his front legs around the cage. That’s what I saw when I rushed back. alerted by Tweety’s squawks of distress.
Cat stared at me for a long moment, leaped to the floor, ran straight to the sofa, and settled down in the spot next to my open book. Who, me?
Next day I bought a ceiling hook and chain to hold Tweety up beyond Cat’s reach.
ShadeBlackfox almost 6 years ago
I don’t know why, but I’ve had this feeling lately that I should invest in Savings Bonds.
asrialfeeple almost 6 years ago
I tat I taw a puttycat
Max Starman Jones almost 6 years ago
And then the bird saw the giant tiger through the lens…
WCraft Premium Member almost 6 years ago
I smell a law-suit! That last panel looks exactly like the “Angry Birds” character from the popular game but his one was drawn many decades before the game’s advent.
JaneCl almost 6 years ago
Why didn’t she just move the table?
Major Matt Mason Premium Member almost 6 years ago
And so, Nancy became the first to experiment with bigger Tweets…
Oh, wait, that’s a tech joke. Never mind. ;^.^
romandogbird almost 6 years ago
jimmjonzz Premium Member almost 6 years ago
I once owned a singing canary. Beautiful sound to wake up to.
Later, I adopted a stray black kitten. Though I had named the bird Tweety, I decided not to tempt fate by naming the cat Sylvester. Instead, I took my cue from Audrey Hepburn and simply named it Cat.
The birdcage I had kept sitting on a high living room table that supported an old style console stereo record player. Once Cat was able to leap that high, his long simmering interest in Tweety gave way to thoughts of actually reaching the little bird. I’d be in the room, watching TV or reading, and Cat would pretend not to be interested. He wouldn’t even look in the direction of the cage.
He made his first play one night when I went to the kitchen for a glass of water. As soon as I was literally one step out, Cat had raced across the room from sofa to table and had wrapped his front legs around the cage. That’s what I saw when I rushed back. alerted by Tweety’s squawks of distress.
Cat stared at me for a long moment, leaped to the floor, ran straight to the sofa, and settled down in the spot next to my open book. Who, me?
Next day I bought a ceiling hook and chain to hold Tweety up beyond Cat’s reach.
brklnbern almost 6 years ago
Like that Bond ad.